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Sunday 25 December 2011

Phew made it!

Right that's it Christmas is over with for another year along with the promise of not spending as much next year.  I had an idea that maybe to cut down on the cost and the blatant commercialism we might only observe  Christmas every other year.  This brought frowns and reverse smiles so I guess that's not a good idea.

We had a quiet start with a light breakfast then opened the presents, most unusual I got was a 3D webcam!  that will doubtless provide hours of entertainment.  Sally was so enamoured with the birthday T towels I repeated the gift today and it went down "just as well as it did last time".

The local pubs only open for a couple of hours so we visited The Church and The Square & Compass before trudging back home up the old railway line footpath.

Tomorrow being boxing day the local hunt will be leaving Bakewell town centre and as usual we shall attend.  Here's hoping the "fluffy bunny brigade" keep a low profile.

And finally, our little girlie kitten, Tesco, has taken to collecting earth worms from the garden and dropping them on the kitchen floor?  Very strange but it beats dead mice I suppose

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