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Monday 12 December 2011

Book prep!! Book what book.

The e mails have been zinging between myself and 2 ex SAS friends in the past week.  To maintain the SAS myth and mystery though I shall not name them except to give them codenames.  One lives in Spain so he shall be "Manuel"   the other lives in Hereford so he shall be "Bulmer".

I have been asking various questions about events that have popped up in our communications and wanting their "take" on dates and times and tales.  Manuel sent me his version of the mounting of one operation and I was in tears of laughter trying to read his mail to Sally.  Bulmer on the other hand brings a note of seriousness to the table.

Its strange that I just remember the various people we talk about, "as they were", full of tough determined complete professional get up and go!.  To hear from Bulmer that one has terrible arthritis and can hardly walk, another has Alzheimers and doesn't recognise him and a third talks and moves really slowly is reality hitting home.

The 3 of us can count ourselves lucky that any "scars" we might have dont show!

I really must get started on this damn book!

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