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Thursday 29 December 2011

Wet & Windy back to work

Back at the fun factory after the Christmas break and still lots of Christmas bits of stock around.  Customers seem confused at some of the empty shelves but this is as a result of a lot of stock being written off after last Christmas.

Most people seem to have survived the period quite well.

I managed to convince my old friend "Bulmer" from my  Hereford days that the 15 Peaks event in June would be  good for him and his wife approves so it will be good to hook up with him for the walk.  Hopefully "the girls" will approve and it will mean we keep our exclusive group together.

We had a lovely walk in the windy sunshine yesterday up near the millstones pub at Hathersage.  The pic was taken down near the river and the view still has an autumnal look about it.


Onwards to the new year


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