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Monday 3 October 2011

A week go's by

A few things happened over the last week as you would expect of course!  One of the most significant is that Sally has had one of her cancer check up and is fine.  The next one in Feb/Mar 2012 will be a full scan thing so thats a bit of a scary one.
At work the Christmas lines are developing as well as the Halloween bits have appeared.  Not to be a kill joy - - - well ok then --- I cant quite understand why putting a witch and making them fluorescent green on a packet of what look like jaffa cake bars makes them so popular.   I had 1 customer asking for Halloween "Parkin" which to my mind is a bonfire night cake thing.  Anyway "blow me down" if it didn't appear a couple of days later.

Sainsbugs are pretty good about keeping you informed with "Monthly Briefings" etc. This months brief introduced the new slogan since they got rid of "try something new today with Jamie Oliver"  Its "Live well for less".  We got the corporate diatribe on how much they would need to take from each customer to achieve their next forecast and its a piffling sum of around £1-19p.  When you consider how much things in general have risen in price I don't think that will be an unachievable goal!   A slight hint of sarcasm there as the mince pies were £1 for a packet until the "Christmas offer!" came out at 2 packets for £2-20p!

The other change in the protocol for the colleagues is a "Love" theme.  I couldn't suppress my mirth when they were handing around love heart sweets (we in the bakery didn't get any as ours as they have "disappeared") and a heart shaped piece of paper.  This would explain  the range of "hearts" on the wall halfway up the staff stairs with various messages on them.  It seems that when say a customer or colleague says a member of staff has been helpful etc.  Your deed will be trumpeted to the rest of the staff by way of a "heart".  Still its recognition I suppose.
A couple of weeks ago one of the under managers rushed off as, "His mother had been taken to hospital" Not seen him since so I mentioned it to Debs and Linda who work for this guy.  The look on Linda's face was nothing short of,  "I'm pretending not to know what your talking about because I know what really went on".
I looked at Debs who was very tight lipped but eventually said, His mother was ok.  A bit of the devious there but it might come back to bite them all later.

On the home front I finally managed to get my webcam working again,  it went offline in May when we were on hols and i had been unable to get it to be recognised by the free streaming .com that I use.  Some time ago  I had resigned myself to it not working and replaced the stream with a large still image.  It turns out to be a problem with the port number I was using.  In solving the problem i picked up a bit of software called WebcamXP which lets you stream it yourself so I'm trialling that at the moment but am going to keep it on a link with a pop up window even if I publish it altogether.

I have finished reducing the logs to firewood for this year as i need to concentrate on sawing down the trees i promised for this year.  I have given a fair bit of firewood away this year but think in the future I might restrict the freebies to Sally's sister and the odd bag to our next door neighbour.  The area I'm felling has one very steep bit and the pic shows me using the freelander to drag a tree to the pile to be burned next year once it fried out.

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