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Sunday 9 October 2011

S'a funny old game

Another day at the fun factory, the usual assemblage of customers trawling for a bargain, still quite a few tourists although their numbers will reduce in the next few weeks. All the big supermarkets seem to be battling for custom  and Sainsbugs is no exception.  We have been briefed about the master plan about to be released on the public next Wednesday.  Sounds quite good actually as long as the IT  bit works - - - - !.

Tried the old TV the other day and realised that the analog antenna will not work any longer.  Bought a replacement on Amazon but it doesn't work! even tried it on the monster TV and still no picture.  In true frontier style I'm going to try and make one, seen the options on the internet and it looks quite easy.  As usual it will cost twice as much and work half as well as a bought one but hey who cares!

The new kittens are settling in quite well and have discovered that its really comfortable sitting near the log burner although Sainsbury (on the left) seems to have lost the plot on the comfort bit!

OK here's the "S'a funny old game bit". I remember when I had my last career job I was forced to go on a course about self-fulfilment and all that old bull.  It really was quite a drag but in there just now and again there was the odd pearl!  you know what I mean, something that makes you sit back and think, "yeah" that works for me.  Since I did the course one of the things that was a spin off was a daily (well every few days at least) e mail from the guy that invented the course.  I read most of them and as I said earlier, now and then there's a pearl.  Anyone interested? take a look at   www.thepacificinstitute.com   Once you get through the "bull" it is interesting 

Thinks "must get working on this book!"

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