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Wednesday 26 October 2011

A full weeks work

Due to a little untimely leaving of a bakery colleague I was asked to work a Tuesday instead of Wednesday so here I sit after 6 straight days at work contemplating my first day off of 8, a nice contemplation!

I was informed on Sunday at work that I had been the attention of the mystery shopper again 2 weeks ealrier.  Sainsbugs have a number of people who will approach a shop floor worker and generally ask for something that's either at the other end of the store or not in stock.  You are then scored on the greeting, the way you deal with the problem and the farewell.  I scored 100% which is my 3rd one this year.  It all sounds a bit silly until you hear that the previous mystery shopper scored a colleague 42% which was from all accounts more like the shopper being ignored!

I was joking when i mentioned to the managers telling me about the encounter that I thought I should get some recognition for 3 100% scores on the trot.  It seems I'm going to get one of the "love hearts", a heart shaped card where your exploit is written up.  Whats more to the point is that you also get a reward coupon, so I eagerly await that!

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