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Tuesday 11 October 2011

Trouble at tmill or "the devious bites them in the *rse"

Another week go's by at the fun factory and the customers antics of leaving choc ices in the bread isle and ready meals in the Beers wines and spirits are paled into insignificance by 2 developments.  Sainsbugs has joined the unofficial price war declared by Tesco and Asda by launching (tomorrow) Brand Matching.  The roll out has been a "secret" and we were briefed by the shop manager, you can however see all the details on the internet by just searching for it.

This "exiting" bit of news has been overshadowed by "colleague movements" that has had the rumour mill working in mega-drive.  As the title of this post suggests it is connected to my post last week where I mention "A bit of the devious there but it might come back to bite them all later"  
The manager from the fresh department I noticed was sitting in the canteen with a high vis jacket on that had "Petrol" on the back.  I though this was strange but discounted it until I heard someone say that he had been moved up to the petrol station as manager.
A few well placed leading questions reveals that his relationship with my one time friend and now colleague DH has been taken a dim view of and that his moving back to the PFS was one of the options on offer to him.
Further intrigue when I learn that PW is now in charge of fresh, say no more -- .  One hacked off likeable young colleague is being drafted into fresh as a team leader to "assist"  All this happening before Christmas, the busiest and most profitable season has left DH as popular as a very nasty rash.  - - - So the "biting" is complete - - - well almost, I suspect there will be further savaging's before long.  Watch this space.

On a lighter note one of the characters at the shop is on the move SM a team leader in fresh is off back o work for a small local firm making model train bits and bobs.  In talking to him its more money less hours and something he likes anyway.  Best of luck S your leaving further puts the cat amongst the proverbial pigeons in the fresh dept.

Onwards and intriguingly upwards !

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