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Friday 9 September 2011

You should write a book

Oh dear! whenever I start talking about my time in the Army I  I nearly always get the hoary old chestnut of "You should write a book"  I must admit to thinking of the countless amusing and admittedly not so amusing tales I could put to paper and realise there are nearly 30 years of my life to mull over and manufacture a tome.  My written English is not so good and I could use a look at a Thesaurus.  What the hell ----

I downloaded a bit of software yesterday and its all designed so that you can include illustrations etc.  So in effect you are doing the production of the book yourself.  When its finished  the online people publish the book for as many copies as you wish.  You can also add the book to their list of books and do the marketing yourself they just take a cut of the profits.

So I'm going to give it a go, I will write up a project plan before Christmas and take it from there.  Damn you Paul W.

Bit of drama at the shop today Michael one of the managers had to rush off as his mother was taken into hospital.  Debs was supposed to be in today and didnt show.  A normal day apart from that, one thing we are doing now that is new is reducing the ordinary bread along with the rolls and cakes etc.  It makes for a longer job but I think the team leaders and bosses are aware that on some days it will mean other things just dont get done.

So Friday Sally is so looking forward to the week-end as she's still quite tired most days.  The advent of a visit from our friend Sharon from Canada will give her a boost.  Could be some hard drinking and disastrous BBQ's afoot.

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