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Sunday 4 September 2011

Sunday review

I did my few hours at the shop yesterday as promised, Paul my opposite number did actually come in and work and the new nightshift manager gave us a guy to help with the normal heavy Saturday delivery of bread etc so we managed to get most of it out before the shop got too busy.  Most colleagues in a good mood yesterday and some quite good animated discussions going on, especially the one where Debs was asking Paul that as he was ill could she dress up in her nurses uniform and come and hold his hand?!  Debs gave me 2 Whitby Lucky Ducks yesterday 1 each for Sally and me - - - sweet.  Always do with a bit of luck!

After work Sally and i shot up to our logging area to try and finish off cutting up the pile of small logs into firewood size bits.  She's still finding it hard going so we left a bit and need to pop back up this morning to finish it off.  

First Sunday off the month so its haircutting day down at the Church pub so we will be going in so that i can have a trim

Looking at Facebook earlier in the week Tim one of my old soldiers was asking for people to donate to a young lad who has lost his father in Afghanistan and is doing the Great North Run in his memory - - - tragic and in the end like most wars what a waste.  Anyone like to donate follow the link

Right then a few jobs to be done then off to the logging camp

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