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Wednesday 7 March 2012

Super Tuesday

I watched yesterdays lunchtime news talking about the "Super Tuesday" candidates in the USA and had to laugh at the comments about Mitt Romney (can you believe that name!)

He it appears: 
Is a billionaire (has made loads o cash off other people)
Is a Morman (believes what he reads in his own bible) 
Is out of touch with the real people (and what are "real people", oh yes the ones that work and pay tax) 

Perfect credentials for any politician I reckon.

Back to work after nearly 3 weeks off tomorrow, cant wait - - - - yeah! 

Tom and Sainsbury hard at it this morning, mind you it is raining rather well outside

Sally's new vehicle, Cyril now has seats covers fitted and will be complete when he gets the paw print stickers applied this weekend.   

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