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Friday 16 March 2012

Not for the squeamish!

When I got up yesterday there wasnt the ususal clamour at the bottom of the stairs door from Sainsbury, he was in the kitchen throwing up a fur ball, nice I mused as I cleaned it up.  He had been off his food for a day or 2 and I wondered if that could have been the reason.
The day panned out well hoovering out the pond, its amazing how much gunge settles on the bottom, it will probably want doing again in a couple of months but at least it got out all the leaves etc from autumn and winter.  
The moved shed finaly got its coat of preservative that I have been promising it for some time.  I did however give up on trying to get enough guttrering pieces to fit all the way around it.  
Just my luck though that the DIY shops have moved to 76mm half round guttering and all my off cuts and brackets etc are 75mm, isnt life just cruel!  So its a complete new set maybe today maybe Monday.  I want to drain the water into the pond so there's a little challenge. 
So as the afternoon drew to a close Sally arrived home and as she was getting changed I was sorting out the worming tablets for the cats as well as some food.  Little sainsbury then took on an odd stance and i realised it was time for a bit of a"throw up". 
Sure enough out came a load of biscuits and as they do he backed off and laid them in a neat line on the kitchen floor.  Another heave and out shot a few more biscuits and attached to it was a white tape worm! he again backed off and by this time had about a foot of tape worm on the floor with the rest of it disappearing into his mouth.!  I rushed across to him grabbed it and pulled out another foot or so before it snapped off!  
This obviously was the reason for him being off his food.  The vets just told usto let him settle down overnight and then worm him as normal in the morning. 
Heres a happy snap of the parasite in all its glory!!! for reference the blue thing is 9cm/3in long, with another pic of the miscreant who disgorged it! 

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