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Thursday 1 March 2012

Back to reality

After a fabulous holiday we left Kurumba in style as we arrived on one of their huge air conditioned speedboats.

We were flying Sri Lankanair and had to fly first to Colombo and then have an 11hr 45min flight back to Heathrow.  The flight would have been fine except for a young child who would throw a one and half hour screaming tantrum sleep for an hour and then do it all again.  Hey ho the price of paradise.

We stayed the night at Heathrow then drove home on Sunday in the sunshine.  The cats were overjoyed to see us and ate everything we put down for them for an hour or two between bouts of prowling the garden scent marking everything in site - - - lovely!

Reporting for work on Wednesday was a joyous occasion as I only had to do a 2 hour shift!  I remembered Tracey (she who Must! be obeyed) mentioning I had 6 hours left of my annual holidays and agreeing she could just put it on a day to suit.
Bless her cotton socks it was the Wednesday! after working 2 hours, and having part of that taken up by "fire training" I returned home.
I now have another week off in which to move the shed so we can park up Sally's beloved Boris the Defender while she uses the replacement a Corsa Combo van that has been named "Cyrel".
Please feel free to watch the dismantling and moving of the shed on our site at http://hakuraman.gotdns.com

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