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Monday 19 March 2012

Rain what rain?

Since about Wednesday the forecasters were all doom and gloom for the weekend weather.  Sunday they were predicting would be wet then they switched it to Saturday and by Friday just to be safe they were saying both days would be wet.
Saturday did dawn wet but cleared to give us a nice warm day to get stuck into putting some seeds into trays in the greenhouse.  Sunday looked like it would be very cloudy but by 1000 the sun was cracking the pavement.  Yet another day was spent in the garden, we managed to make a new step up onto the top terrace where the shed was blocking the original entry.
On both days we managed to be able to sit in the sun and down a few drinks while waxing lyrical about the October Kurumba holiday experience!
The cats both enjoyed the sun with Tom sitting on the swinging seat and watching with one eye the antics of little, well not so little now, Sainsbury.  He seemed determined to fall into the pond but managed not ot in the end.
He determined to leap on the next door neighbours roof, which comes to within 2 feet of the ground and catch a blackbird which was entertaining us with some early morning song from an antennae.  It was long gone by the time he got to the peak but struck a pose for the pic below before coming back down

Here he is trying hard not to fall into the fish pond

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