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Sunday 15 January 2017

No day or night, just time - - - & - - - Trump's EU envoy is a Brexiteer

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
Don't forget to check out this great book on Amazon Kindle Books
The display shows quite well all the rain hitting the country just now 
much reported in the news media and set to cause big problems today the Met O display makes it look worse that the netweather one because it shows lighter rainfall as well 
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Local Met O weather for today 
Becoming cloudy during the early hours with spells of rain and brief snow arriving from the northwest, but at the same time becoming milder. Periods of rain, particularly heavy at times, will continue through the day. Cloud will lower to mid-levels quite widely. Strong northwesterly winds will persist at altitude. Snowpack will start to melt at high altitude, along with water-runoff is likely to start filling watercourses. Remaining mild, cloudy and wet into the evening.
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 The Temp has risen a couple of degrees in the last hour and the wind is increasing.  Only 2mm of rain yesterday i think that figure might be topped today! 
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Weathercam update 11:10
The weathercam shows off the very grey sky, its been raining for a while and looks like it will be with us for some time
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"No day or night just time"  This is the philosophy i might adopt after staring into the log burners flickering flames about 02:20 this morning.  Being creatures of habit its hard not to go to bed at the "normal time" sleep then get up at "the normal time" In my present state of mind that just isn't working for me - - - time to change.

Last night after a 40 minute power cut at 09:10, I arranged my mountain of cushions in Sally's armchair in an effort to get some sleep after she had gone to bed.  It was comfortable for a while but sure enough as the back pain came on i fidgeted tossed and turned and by 12:15 i was back upstairs with a couple of pillows trying out the bed again. 
A similar period of torment followed and by 02:10 i was back down stairs.  
By 03:00 i had had a cup of tea re-stoked the fire and sat in front of it on my chair with only 2 small cushions for support and the electric heat pad on my back. 
At around 04:15 i hear LM informing me he has a tasty snack and he devours it behind my chair.  I have actually been asleep for what must have been an hour! - - - result. I have more tea feed the fire and get snatches of a minute or 2's sleep here and there until 05:30 when another day begins 
Free T in the banners along with a fitness tracker for £14.99.  I always smile when i see the adverts for these popular devices that kind of hint if you know what your heart rate etc is you are going to be fit Mmmmmm 
The main headline drags itself away from the weather by proclaiming Trump's EU envoy is a Brexiteer - - - and? 

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