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Tuesday 8 January 2013

Tom gets the bird! & We are off to the Lake District

There's nothing unusual about our old cat Tom wandering around in the garden, its just "his patch".  I thought nothing of it then as I came down from looking in our shed at the top of the garden and passed him plodding up the garden path near the pond.  After exchanging pleasantries we both went on our ways.

A few minutes later I'm sat at the table just starting lunch when in strolls Tom with an expiring coal tit in his mouth.  The unfortunate bird is dropped onto the kitchen floor where Tom has a couple of swipes at it with his paw.  He then loses interest and wanders back outside to survey "his patch" from the top of the steps by the back door. 

This is an unusual "catch" for Tom as we thought he had given up "hunting" ages ago.  I reported in an earlier blog where Sainsbury our young cat was chasing a caught mouse around the back of one of our vehicles with Tom looking on when the mouse ran around Tom in an effort to escape Sainsbury's clutches.  Tom looked on with, "ah kids" expression on his face making no effort to catch the rodent.  He must have just come across the unfortunate bird, Instinct never wanes i guess!

Here he is looking a little confused after dropping it on the kitchen floor
 This though is more his style curled up enjoying the hot air coming from Sally's laptop!
Sainsbury meanwhile is intent on stopping our neighbour John from driving away

So its off to the Lake District for us today with an overnight stay in Ambleside.  The weather forecast for today doesn't look too promising but tomorrows is looking like it might be ok.  I'll post a few pics later if i can get a 3G signal

Finally then i was reading an article about the "emerging technology gadgets"  You know the kind of thing stuff we "wont be able to live without once we know its there!".  Ok i like my electronic gizmo's but i feel i have drawn my "line in the sand" by not rushing out and insisting on having the most up to date bits and bobs,  anyway i digress.

A reporter was talking to one of the "super geeks" on a stand at "Le Net" in Paris asking him what  "exiting technology" was emerging when the rather portly "super geek" pulls out a "thing" from his pocket and says "well like this wireless pedometer, it allows me to look at my PC and see when i'm sitting down or walking around!".  Rather surprisingly the reporter enthused about this "nugget" before moving to another stand

Me  - - - I think they should both get out more! 

Enjoy the day     Our weather website

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