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Thursday 24 January 2013

Back to the fun factory! the weatheman gets it wrong again! & Phil2 is on the cards!

After a week off shifting snow and getting some rather nice photo's its back to a week of shifts at the "fun factory" which is Sainsbugs in Matlock.

Due to the weather forecast yesterday predicting -7 to -9c last night the locals had raided the shop and the bread isle, "my domain" seemed pretty bare at 0700.  It didn't take long to stack up the shelves and even the night shift gave me a hand for 20 minutes.  Normally they tend to just hang around trying to look busy for the last 20 - 30 minutes of their shift so someone must have been on their case last night.

The temp didn't fall to anywhere near -7c and was just scraping -0.1c when i surfaced this morning, it "warmed up" to +2.1c during the day and the shoppers were out in force all morning.  This is partly due to the weathermen once again predicting temps of -7 tonight and snow up to 4" (10cm) between 1500 and 2100 tomorrow.  We shall see!  

At work I was called to the "conference room" today along with a few others to complete what sainsbugs calls a "talk back" session.  Its a kind of "blind" tick the box form about what "you" think of "the store manager", "your manager" and the logistics in general.  Its meant to be "blind" but you are asked which department you work for, your sex and age.  The age question puts me under the spotlight straight away but as I'm not in work for any type of "career" its of no consequence. 

Sainsbugs has a habit of changing managers around in January so its a baited breath time for them and for us at the sharp end it could mean yet another "new broom" to get along with.  Lets hope there are not too many surprises for anyone. 

Much as i like my little Corsa Combo van "Cyril" I couldn't help thinking that it would be so much easier to do the logging in summer with a 4x4.  Almost every time I took Cyril up there last year he gets stuck in the mud .  Boris is getting to be on the thick end of being too valuable for that kind of thing so I remembered that Sally's ex up in Cleveland had "A Freelander for Sale!".  Yes its quite old and a petrol version but after a few phone calls the deal was done and we go up to collect it next Friday!  Pics to follow once "he's" here, Name?  well it has to be Phil like the last one but we'll add 2 on the end, so "Phil2" 

Finally then here's to -7c tonight and a dump of snow tomorrow - - - Mmmmmmmmm not so sure!

Follow this link to see our weather site our weather website
Or this one just to see the live birdfeeder cam live birdfeeder webcam

Enjoy the day.  

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