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Monday 14 January 2013

Snow at last! and panic buying is already underway

You know what its like the headlines in the papers have been trumpeting the "Freezing Temperatures" and "Blizzards across the country".  All this is picked up and magnified from the weather forecasters who say its going to snow at a particular tine and day.  This has been happening for the last 3 days all without so much as a snowflake. 

The prediction and graphics show snow and when it fails to appear they hastily re-jig the website and shove it forward 24 hours.  I know i have banged this drum before but i fail to see how these people are so wrong so many times and keep their jobs. 

So it was with much glee for the forecasters I presume that we had a dusting last night and a more complete covering this morning when it did snow for a couple of hours.  The temperature however warmed a bit and a thaw started.  So here's a pic of some of the snow.
The sun has just left the valley and gives a nice pic

Of course all this "promise" of snow seems to have started a bit of panic buying so Mr Sainsbury is going to be happy.  At work the usual staples flew off the shelves and some of the shoppers were quite irritated at the empty shelves.  One shopper mentioned the shop being so full on Saturday that it "was like Christmas", I mentioned the threat of snow but she seemed unaware of it!

So there we are some "Snow at last!" lets see what tonights weather has up its sleeve.

Enjoy the day - - - Our weather website

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