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Tuesday 29 January 2013

Its a question of age! & The Bakery gets too "ot"!

"Hey Mike come and listen to this", said one of the bakers at work, "lets call him Dan".  He was having a brief conversation with a sweet young thing, "lets call her Ashley" from the grocery department. 

It turns out that Ashley knows someone who is getting married at 55 and she is appalled at them being "too old".  I join in the conversation for a short while and establish that Ashley is 20.  It doesn't take long to confirm that she considers people of 35 years to be old so yes in her eyes 55 to be positively ancient.

I manage to convince her that by the time she's 35 she will still feel like a 20 year old and that even at "my age" unless you have some debilitating problem you still feel "less than past it".  Comforted by this she wandered off on her duties hopefully with a less than "jaundiced eye view", of her 55 year old acquaintance!

Still on the age question, I was approached by a commercial department colleague, "lets call her Leanne" wanting me to sign her bit of paper to say my isle was not missing any price tags for the bread and cakes on display.  In the course of our conversation she mentions going up to Newcastle to visit her sister at Uni this weekend.  "Is that in preparation for when you go to Uni" I ask, only to be told shyly that she's already completed Uni and has a Psychology degree!. 

Proving at least one thing about getting old, "Everyone under 30 looks like a child!" 

Anyway being "too old" for anything other than a bath chair marathon! I was reflecting on my forthcoming Ice Climbing challenge on Ben Nevis (March 2/3) having read about those 4 poor folk who were caught in an avalanche near Glencoe.  This story was eclipsed however by the death of a 22 year old falling off Tower Ridge on Ben Nevis last weekend.  I often walk alone in the hills and mountains in some pretty severe conditions and am aware that it can be dangerous.  Ben Nevis has snow on it, especially the Northern Ridges all the year round so I wonder why he was soloing on such a dangerous climb without at least someone observing his progress.  Another age related thing I guess, I remember years ago thinking I was "Indestructible", Confidence can be a cruel taskmaster!

It too "ot" in the bakery said an anonymous colleague from deep within its environs.  She's worked in there for 4 years so i was perplexed as to why this was so.  I then noticed the "new racking" for the freshly baked bread.  We previously had a real hotch potch of racking which was well part its use by date but had some plus points going for it.  The various loaves could be replenished from within the bakery and the customers could get the odd look at how it all came together. 

The new racking however does look rather splendid but has this huge backing plate the whole length of it, effectively blocking the heat from the ovens getting out, hence the "ot" complaint.  Another thing it does is completely block the view from the "packing area" to the creamy cake counter.  We now have even more irritated customers tut tutting because they are not getting served fast enough and I am tasked to shout "can someone manage the counter please!" more often! Hey ho progress is a wonderful thing! 

 Here we are then with 2 pics of the recent weather. The view above with the lovely snow covering we endured for only a short while because of a rise in temperature and the normal view below with the rain coming down and the river level rising form the snow melt

Finally then a thank you to "Sandi" for pointing out the blogs inability to allow comments to be posted.  The problem was in the template I was using so I have changed that and added an "Anonymous" selection to the "profiles".  You can now "comment" without needing to be a member of the various organisations in the original list. 

Enjoy the day    
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