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Saturday 26 January 2013

Hello Australia we are not depressed! & the weatherman gets it right!

After a good snow storm last night, when i must admit "the weatherman got it right!" I turned on the radio when i got up to hear what the roads were like.  We have a tradition here of grinding to a halt when we get just a little bit of snow so a good dump of 6 inches left me wondering how things were going.

I heard a "simpering",  Anika Rice on Radio2 sending a birthday greeting to her god daughter in Australia and the parents.  She added "we are all depressed about our weather in UK and could do with some of your sun". 

I would just like to "rant" that we are not all depressed about the weather for goodness sake its UK we have "seasons" some of us actually enjoy the rain and also the wonderful spring colours and fantastic summer days and stunning colours in autumn and yes even the poxy snow in winter that stops us in our tracks.

Some of us wouldn't swap it for all of Australia's poisonous snakes and spiders and bush fires and Bondie beaches and barrier reef! "rant over"    Having said that we visited Sydney on our way to Fiji in 2011 and thought it was great and are intending to holiday there soon but WE ARE
NOT DEPRESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

At work (the salt mine)  today it was a casual day because the snow put people off shopping so we are expecting a busy day tomorrow.  I noticed that there was a job going in the "fresh meat" department and when i asked it turns out that a colleague, "lets call him Steven", the one who "didn't want to be seen working in a crummy job by his friends" has finally left.  he will be "sorely missed as he provided us "normal people" with  bit of amusement!!!!!  all the best Steven!

My boss, "lets call her TracEy" turned up early for work having stayed overnight locally rather than drive home in the blizzard!  She was wearing a rather neat pair of "pink boots" i commented on them being rather petite and she said "these boots have done some miles" .  "Like the wearer" I said "been round the block a couple of times!"  As usual she took it in the manner it was delivered! 

Still no rumours about any moves in the management department, it looks as if it might take a couple of weeks to surface!

Here's a pic Sally took today when the sun was on the garden

So here we are in "mid thaw" lets hope it keeps going.   

Enjoy the day

Follow this link to see our weather site our weather website
Or this one just to see the live birdfeeder cam live birdfeeder webcam

1 comment:

  1. I think that your Blog is wonderful

    Tank Man
