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Sunday 21 October 2012

Sally leaves, Dave leaves, Everybody's leaving!

Twas a busy day for Sally on Friday, her last day at work.  We decided she should have some "time out" at the beginning of the year and it seemed fitting that she should finish before our holiday to the Maldives in a few days time, have I mentioned that before!? lol. 

She has had a good send off with a bash organised by the "big hitters" from the sales side of her business back in September.  A quiet dinner with 4 of the girls from the office turned out to be a surprise bash with 20 others last Thursday. 

On her last day the Company Chairman gave a speech, and her old boss who actually gave her the job 13 years and six months ago jetted in from her home in Spain to be at the send off.  Quite an emotionally drained Sally stepped from her faithful Boris the Land Rover Defender on Friday clutching 3 bunches of flowers an enormous box of chocs and a number of other little pressies. 

So CCSMedia has lost one of its "happiest" employees as the Chairman's speech testified  and countless telephone calls and e mails agreed throughout the day. 

Not to let the grass grow under her feet she performed a culinary masterpiece on Saturday turning out what looked to be a "Christmas Dinner" for us and 2 friends which was devoured with great gusto!

Back at the fun factory it was for a colleague, "lets call him Dave" his last day in the bakery.  To say he has had a love hate relationship with the boss, "lets call her TracEy" would be stretching it a little but I think he's glad of the change. 

I have waxed lyrical with him many times trying to calm him down when he gets on one of his "rants".  I have also told him that he is his worst enemy, setting himself up for many a fall.  Most if not all my advice has however fallen on deaf ears mainly because he has failed to stop talking when I am trying to offer it.   I couldn't resist one final dig though by telling him we would probably have a party at his leaving, pausing just long enough before saying that he wouldn't be invited.  Farewell Dave enjoy the checkouts!

My boss, "lets call her TracEy" has had a bit of a "Bee in her bonnet" since part of my blog "Lunch at the Library, 3/10/2012" was devoted to a description and pic of a friend and colleague, "Lets call her Debs" looking ready to devour a lunch at Chatsworth. 

Appalled at the fact that I had not taken her to lunch both myself and Debs have had the rough edge of "TracEy's" tongue on more than one occasion.  The tables were turned however when yesterday a colleague, "Lets call her Becky" a sweet young thing about 19 years old,  agreed to mention during the day that i was taking her out to lunch on my return from the holiday. All in jest I might add!

I had almost forgotten it when, in what passes for the shop colleague canteen I am having an animated conversation with "TracEy" across half the distance of the room.  In walks "Becky" calmly puts down her lunch at "Tracey's" table and says, "Dont foget Mike we are going out to lunch when you get back from your holiday"  The bosses face was a picture and she launched into another rant about being spurned.  I just managed to interject with "Lets face it TracEy you're just too old for me" before making a quick exit back to the shop floor.

To finally turn the screw a little tighter Debs then wound up Tracey by mentioning the Becky lunch date and in the reply all i heard was "Yes apparently I'm too old!"  It just go's to show that amongst all the work that does go on we do still have time for a bit of fun.  It was fun wasn't it or am I reading this all wrong - - - -Mmmmmmm! I might buy one of this old flak jackets!

So Sally's left Dave's left and so must I to do another shift down at the "fun factory" - - challenges and opportunities, challenges and opportunities! 

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