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Thursday 11 October 2012

"How the mighty are fallen & Carnage in the kitchen!"

I was going to blog about the antics of my work colleague "lets call him Dave" but that can wait until tomorrow! 

You cant help noticing that the politicians are out of the news a bit which must be a relief for them.  The papers are once again full and have been for a few days of the graphic illustrations and allegations about Jimmy Saville.
 All kinds of links to unsavoury behaviour have been paraded around like its carnival time.  His family have removed his headstone which was an elaborate affair, with a picture on one front page today of it broken up and in a skip. 
No pointing of fingers anywhere you understand but it looks as if the BBC knew what might have been going on, the police certainly did by what has been said so far.  Begs the question why was something not done about it years ago!  

Another "Fallen Star", Lance Armstrong (Of Tour De France fame)is still around to refute the allegations about him but seems to choose not to.  His lawyers are however pointing to the US Anti Doping Agency and labelling their eveidence/report as a"one sided hatchet job".  I cant quite see why they are taking this stance if Armstron won't defend himself. 
There are it seems a string of current and passed cycling greats lining up to paint him as a "bully" and "Serial cheat".  All these were in the US Postal Team when he was wining his string of Tour De France victories.  Once again it begs the question as to why no-one has spoken up earlier.  It's a terrible indictment to the "win at any cost attitude" dont you think?!  

Back down to earth though when I realised I had lost all my research notes for my book when my computer went into meltdown the other day.  See Blog of 2nd Oct "Computers and other distractions"  So I must get on and trawl, once again through my old army records for dates to be added to my tales and annecdotes. 

Finally though I came down this morning to a scene of "Carnage in the kitchen!".  Sainsbury, the tabby cat had obviously had a very productive night hunting as there were 3 bodies alongside the leftovers of some poor creature on the kitchen floor.
We must have the most scrubbed floor in the district!


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