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Thursday 4 October 2012

I lose my "G" spot, Gain a log burner, Its "Toad" time and I am 5

That's my 3G spot at work by the way!  I have to sit in 1 particular spot to get 3G on my iphone to be able to check on my website.  For some time now we had been informed that the canteen would be closing and that "colleagues" would have "Facilities" to cook their own lunches etc.  Its amazing how you miss something immediately its gone.  The canteen was a noisy vibrant smelly place where it always seemed someone was having a meal served. 
It closed just after I finished my last shift on my last series.  We were the new "Facility would open on the 6th Oct.  As the refurb was only a paint job and new furniture I walked into it this morning and pronounced it akin to a bathroom.  Empty soul-less and echoing like crazy. 
I noticed that the walls were bare and observed that "it will be ok once we get all the photo's back on the wall", to be told we weren't allowed to put anything on the wall.  Ah progress, its a wonderful thing, in the right place!  I must hunt down another G spot! 
On the home front we have for a long time talked about having a small log burner in the kitchen.  More for the aesthetic appeal than a necessity to keep it warm but realising it would do just that if we got one.  I walked out yesterday to see John. he of the "gardening persuasion", his newly laid "lawn" is coming along a treat and going quite green now, however I digress. - - - John was sorting out a bit of scrap to take down to the scrapyard and was looking longingly at this small log burner he had taken out of a conservatory on one of his jobs. 
"Will I ever fit it?" he mumbled,  "No! i said take £40 for it"  "£40 he said looking like he was going to hike up the price but eventually he cave in and the deal was done.  A little cleaning and some special black stove paint later I heaved it down into the kitchen to await her Majesty's return.  See pic below of item in situ.
Delighted with our new purchase we both agreed it would probably still cost another couple of hundred £s to get the chimney fitted but are looking forward to hopefully having it roaring by Christmas. 
I moved like a young gazelle, well maybe an old stag, when i heard the postman deposit something through the letter box.  This was all in anticipation for our holiday documentation.  "Result I cried" in triumph as I leafed through the small booklet with E tickets and the like before I noticed what appeared to be a "body" on the floor just inside the living room.
I scooped it up and realised instantly it was "not dead" It was a baby toad!  It must be another Sainsbury trophy I surmised as I watched it move slightly in my hand.  Toads it seems are a little like the Shrews in that they have glands that make them offensive to eat by cats.  I quickly took the pic below and deposited it in one of our flower tubs in the garden.  
The little thing never opened its eyes the whole time I had it but when i checked about 20 minutes later it had scurried into cover somewhere in the tub foliage.

And finally!  I Am 5.  It seems the shop, our local sainsbugs has been open 5 years today.  So we were invited to wear the badges in the pic below.
Quite funny really as no-one seemed to notice the badges or asked what they were for.  I remarked to a couple of colleagues that I had sometimes been accused of acting like a 5 year old so maybe it was fitting I had the badge! 

It must have been a couple of weeks ago that a "Birthday party" was organised by the powers that be, I declined however as you were required to pay £10 to attend.  Its the first time I have head of having to pay to go to a birthday party!  Mind you "times is hard", what was it "they" announced back in May. 

"Announcing a better-than-expected 7% rise in full year profits to £712 Million, the UK's third largest chain said it would reduce annual space growth from more than 7% to around 5%"  

"Oh yes, times is hard!" 

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