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Wednesday 24 October 2012

Holiday at last!

At last then the day arrives for our holiday on Kurumba in the Maldives.  The house is eerily quiet this morning though as we put both cats into the cattery yesterday afternoon.  Its strange to come downstairs and not have them clamouring around your feet demanding food. 

There was a bit of a scare yesterday because fog was causing some problems with flights out of Heathrow but there was no mention of problems at Gatwick.  I checked the weather there this morning and it looks as if we will get away at the appointed time. 

The flight is a shade under 11 hours and the first 7 or 8 hours are in the dark.  Apart from arriving one of the best bits is as you fly out the bottom of the Persian Gulf.  You can see the desert coastline of southern Oman in stark contrast to the turquoise of the Arabian Sea and from there until we land at Male it just seems to be wall to wall sunshine. 

We first however have to deal with the M1 and the M25 so i must away to pack, again!  and get the truck ready for the journey

I'll probably add a bit of blog at the airport!

Looking forward to the 15 minute speedboat trip to Kurumba island at the other end!
Gatwick update 1630hrs:  The trip down was uneventful if not a pain in the a**e.  Driving to Heathrow is not bad but that extra hour around the M25 then on the M23 is a real drag.  There is a bit of fog around but not enough to have stopped any flights so its fingers crossed that it doesn't get any worse. 

The bags have been checked in at the BA desk which was an altogether much more pleasant an experience than the one we had at the  BA desk at LA last year.  We have had a bite to eat in the sooooo expensive "Garfunkels" restaurant and are now sat in the VIP lounge enjoying the freebies before we fly out just before 1900. 

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