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Friday 6 July 2012

Will it ever stop raining?

Well here we are just before the weekend when normally the roads will be thick with tourists heading for the camp sites with their throw away barbies already to go.
Alas the roads are empty save for the locals who all seem to have adopted what I call the Lake District code of dress.  This consists of mainly waterproof gear with the odd brolly evident.
The garden seems to like all the rain and the pond which i have all the water coming from the shed roof draining into it must have had 2 water changes in he last 24 hours!  The fish seem to enjoy the clean water!

To be honest I don't mind all the rain but it is meant to be the middle of summer and its more like the rainy season.  I have coined a phrase to fit the bill just lately.  If you can see the other side of the valley its going to rain and if you cant it is raining.
Heres a pic from yesterday of what must be the heaviest rain I have ever seen in the UK.  It was akin to the tropical storms we see in the Maldives on holiday.  You can see the storm marching across the ocean and it will blast the resort for 10 to 15 minutes and then the sun will re-appear and dry everything out in half an hour.  We seem at present to be in the blasting stage and I wonder if we will ever see the sun again!
This out the back of the house, our cat Sainsbury was making a dash for the house and had to nip under Cyril the white van just as i took the pic then he made another dash into the house soaked to the skin.  

This is out the front of the house, a whirlpool has developed trying to get the water down the drain in the middle of the pic

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