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Wednesday 11 July 2012

Grumpy's day!

A year has rushed past since we had to have one of our cats put down.  His name was "Grumble" which was soon shortened to "Grumpy".  In effect he was a rescue cat although the person who owned him couldn't cope rather than being cruel.
He was always a very nervous cat and for months lived either behind/in the TV cabinet or for a long time in a wardrobe or directly under the centre of our bed.
Sally spent hours and hours trying to get him to come out and in the end her persistence paid off.
He gave us a couple of scares during the 11 years we had him by "disappearing " twice once for a week then again for 2 weeks.  We reckon he had been locked in somewhere because both times he came back ravenous and quite thin.
Just like Tom our large black cat he enjoyed his time in our garden and would join us  whenever we sat out in it.
Tom would always have a play fight with him and he would roll around in front of Tom to initiate it then squeal when Tom bit his legs or whatever.
So we are trying to remember the good times today and concentrating on the times he made us smile.  Follow the link below to see a few pics.
Grumpy pics

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