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Tuesday 3 July 2012

There's no recruiting!

With the leaving of a colleague "lets call him Paul" last week, his job appeared on the notice board.  There has been little interest from the internal recruiting which to me is a bit of a mystery as you are left alone to get on with it for most of the shift.  That could be it though you are in the spotlight and meant to be in one place, too easy to keep tabs on, anyway I digress.
In a fleeting conversation one morning in the canteen, a colleague, "lets call her Leeanne" who works only 15 hours a week for the commercial arm of the store expressed an interest and I told her to speak to one of our "leaders".   This she did only to be told she could transfer but still only work the 15 hours a week.  I questioned my boss, "lets call her Tracy", only to be told "There's no recruiting".  Which was the same answer I got when I said the day before that I had someone interested in the job, although she thought I meant an external enquiry.
At this juncture my interest/enthusiasm/affection for the companies logic always switches into "well who gives a s*** anyway".  A position that has been there since the store opened 5 years ago is vacant it has been advertised internally by the great HR sausage machine but all of a sudden "there's no recruiting".  To put the icing on the cake of ridiculousness, as I was leaving yesterday my boss "lets call her Tracy" ask's me if (she could get the hours) I could work 5 days a week instead of the 3 that I do now to make up for the vacant job slot!? In my haste to leave I fail completely to comprehend this logic! 

This dilemma is however paled into insignificance and trivia when you look at the newspapers and read about the state of the nations armed forces.  "They are recruiting!" oh yes!, pulling in our young men to send them off to fight in wars that are really just an exercise in political manoeuvring no matter what the "politicians" are telling us.  Spending millions in training and equipping them with state of the art technology which some pink faced boffin has spent years developing without even bothering to consult the poor sod who has to pick it up and point it in the end.
GET DOWN OFF YOUR SOAP BOX YOU SILLY OLD FART! "someone shouts from the sidelines"

Oh yes, get to the point, well I was, eventually - - - The papers are full of doom and gloom about armed forces cut backs and amalgamations, old battalions being shuffled off into redundancy.  old and young soldiers being dumped back on the streets without so much of a qualification to their names except some meaningless NVQ.  Never mind there will always be a job at Sainbugs oh but I forgot, "There's no recruiting!"

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