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Friday 6 January 2012

Wake up call & decks down

Ok I don't normally do the political monster on here as I firmly do not believe even 1/10th of the stuff that appears in the papers.  I also think politicians only tell us what they want us to know.  Hang on hang on is this coming from the bloke who said one of his new year resolutions was to be less cynical?  Yes it is

The Independent this morning has a headline "Obama: The US can no longer fight the worlds battles".  It will come as no surprise to most people that "the world" would probably be better off if the US kept its nose out of anyone else's business.  This also go's for our dear Mr Cameron, we are soon to pull out of Afghanistan after achieving what?   filling in a load of american bomb holes to rebuild villages and placating a lot of locals that we are killing them for "their own good".

Ok burying my head in the sand? I don't think so, the ploitical shenanigans that go on to get the troops into these situations have meant they are fighting with one arm tied behind their backs.  Why don't we "muck out" our own pig sty first before we go and shit in someone else's?

That said, the windy weather of yesterday looks to have eased a little even though a pretty cool at 1.9c just now
I managed to get stuck into a little "book" work yesterday and even kicked around a few designs for the cover.  I'm using both Kindle and Booksmart to publish the book so need to be aware of the limitations of both rather than having just the one plan.   I might even put up a separate "book"  page on the website to see if it generates any comment!
Another plus from yesterday was my old Friend "Bulmer" from the Hereford days had agreed to come on the Welsh 15 Peaks Challenge.  So its 2 "old guys" to be helped along!
And so too today, the Christmas decorations have to come down, its great to get them up and the 2 new kittens have had a ball snatching down baubles, strangely just the red ones, from the trees and racing around the cottage with them.  Its also great to get them down and cleared away, it kind of lets you know the year has really started and you should "get your finger out"

So onwards and upwards

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