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Tuesday 17 January 2012

Lights out! - - Again!

Just sitting around watching a bit of TV on Sunday when the power went off, a few minutes later it came on again and we thought nothing of it.  About an hour later a van parks in the terrace driveway and a number of people start digging a hole just at the left hand side of the drive way on the pavement.

The following morning it emerged that the power cut was the cause of the digging but apart from a hole left in the pavement that looked to be the end of it. Alas no!

0100 Tuesday morning! a number of trucks arrived and disgorged digging machines, traffic lights and barriers along a with a merry band of diggers! 0136 the power went off i noticed the time as my website went down and this is the last time the still pics had the time for.

What seemed like hours later! well it would when you are lying there listening to machines all night it went a bit quiet and, yes you guessed it the alarm went off.

Always being one "whom is prepared", I have a head torch by the bed mind you upstairs I didn't need this as I had an incandescent wife to light my way down the stairs!

Downstairs the kittens have also become a little blase about watching the the workmen through the window but dont seem to mind having their breakfast by candlelight.  I make my way to the shed and recover the camping stove already primed and ready to go.  Its that cold -4.9c that the auto lighter doesn't work but we have lots of the old "10 lighters for a pound" from the car boot sale and a cup of tea is steaming in no time at all.

Its time to go to work and with the log burner blasting out heat and light as I collect my bits and bobs together the power comes back on.

And so to work leaving the incandescent wife furiously penning an e mail complaint and signing it "Grumpy of Grafton Terrace".

As I negotiate the bottom of the drive which by now is an assault course of barriers and health and safety signs I notice the contractors  have gone, no doubt to have a hearty well cooked breakfast (by electricity of course) and count their well earned bonus for such a "good nights" work

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