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Sunday 22 January 2012

Low wit today!

Isn't sarcasm "the lowest form of wit?" or so its said, well here's a bit from me.
Its not that I'm following the American Presidential Election but we do seem to be getting "their headlines" quite a lot on the sky news website.  It was with great mirth (little things do amuse little minds don't they!) I noticed that a candidate by the odd name of, "Mitt Romney", had won one of their primary elections.  Today the headlines are ringing with the news that "Mitt Romney" has been beaten by, a "Newt Gingrich" in a South Carolina primary!

However, the final word (prize) today in sacrcasm has to go to the owners of the "Concordia" , the ship lying on its side in the Med.

From the Sunday Telegraph - The owners of the Costa Concordia are offering survivors of the disaster a 30 per cent discount off future cruises as they battle to stave off law suits expected to cost hundreds of millions of pounds.     

I think "INSULT to injury and harrowing ordeal" fits neatly in to place here! 
Anyway, back to reality we are booked in for a carvery at "The Church" today http://fancyapint.com/Pub/darley-dale/church-inn/31245  so I had better get out for a walk, dont want to be shooting up past 12stone again.
 I did say sarcasm was the lowest form of wit didnt I!?

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