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Friday 20 January 2012

Is it me? - - again

I had an e mail recently from our friend Sharon in Canada.  It contained a cutting from an American newspaper.

 A robber was fleeing the shop he had just held up and ran into a group of 4 Marines (in uniform) who were out doing some charity collecting.  The robber bumps into and knocks one of the Marines into the road and he injures his arm.  The shop owner comes out and indicates that, "this man is a robber".  The four Marines set about the robber who in "falling off the kerb into the street" sustains a broken leg, arm and ribs he also has 2 black eyes and multiple bruises.  The police arrive and after giving first aid to the Marine who fell into the road cart off the robber who eventually gets sent to jail.   Fair do's maybe health and safety should look at the height of the kerb but, there you go - - - result?   Yes.

I recently saw on You-tube a video of a train conductor being verbally abused by a, "young man" on a train.  You can hear the, "young man" indicating that he is not getting off the train but he has no ticket and is not willing to pay.  This go's on for a short while.  A large gentleman appears in the video and pulls the "young man" from his seat and without a word ejects said man from train and stops him getting back on until the doors close.  Hearty applause from the onlookers as the large gentleman sits down and the train trundles on - end of video. I read in the newspaper 2 days later that the "Large gentleman" is being charged for assault by the police who are using the You Tube video as the evidence. - - - result? I don't think so or, "is it just me?"

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