Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather

The radar display shows we are just at the beginning of a large blob of snow. It started at 06:15 and is set to be with us until about 09:00
the Temp is struggling to stay above freezing and although the wind isn't strong it will make it feel very cold outside this morning
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Local weather today
The Met O Peak District forecast: The day will start with a band of mainly light snow moving south across the park with some accumulations possible (2-4 cm). This will clear through by mid-morning leaving widespread icy surfaces. However, the weather will become mainly dry and bright but remaining cold with a bitter northwesterly wind. Remaining clear and cold into the evening before cloud increases by midnight.
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OK then herer's whats been happening to me since mid Nov. Just to get
everyone up to speed here’s the story so far.
I had a pain in my chest late Nov and went to see the Doc who put me on
a load of scans. The results were inconclusive
until I had a CT scan on the 22
nd of Dec. By then I had lost my appetite felt weak and
generally knew something was badly wrong.
I had an appointment for the results of the CT scan on the 4
of Jan.
I missed my
Christmas dinner at the Indian restaurant over the road which I had been
looking forward to for most of the year!!
I noticed
my skin going yellow and on the 27th got an emergency appointment
with the Doc. I knew the results were on
the screen and was eventually told I had a malignant tumour on my liver. The tumour was closing down my bile duct
which was causing the jaundice.
I was
admitted to Chesterfield Hospital right away but then told what needed doing
could only be done at The Northern General in Sheffield because they had the
best guy in the country there to do the Op.
At Chesterfield was told in no uncertain terms that it was a dangerous
op to go through the liver and put stents in the bile duct to open it back up
Into Northern General on the 1st of
Jan and I was lined up after tests to have the Op on the 5th of
Jan. The Op (Percutaneous transhepatic
cholangiogram) is done using microsurgery techniques by a cardiologist. Waiting for the Op the cardiologist came out
and talked to me for 5 minutes stressing how difficult the Op was and that he
was reluctant to do it unless I realised the impact of what could go
wrong. If I didn’t have it done I would
die so it was a no brainer. I get
ushered into this small room where 7 people swarm over me until the time of the
Op, 20 minutes later its pronounced a
success and away I go to the ward.
After some
concerns about my bad blood levels for a couple of day’s things improve and I
get discharged yesterday 10th Jan.
I’m back in 2 weeks’ time with the oncology team
where as long as the jaundice has flushed away I’ll get a biopsy of the cancer
taken and can start the treatment of that.
Unfortunately the cancer is inoperable so the treatment regime is a bit
of an unknown quantity until after the biopsy
As it was a Dr Fredericks who gave us the cancer news the tumour has been christened "Freddy"
On my third full day at home now and feeling a weak as a kitten. I have to drink lots of water all the time to flush out the jaundice (wouldn't wish jaundice on anybody!) I still have to think quite a bit about what to eat as my appetite (another jaundice side effect) is just not there. Sally has bought all kinds of chocolate biscuit goodies using the adage at the moment of who cares what you are eating as long as you are eating. She is really driving things along very well and chides me for attempting anything physical because it just exhausts me
So the road ahead looks to be challenging and we will only know how much so once the treatment regime = == =
The banners cover Graham Taylor's death and there's going to be a £10 tax to visit Britain once we get out - - - cheapskates! The main story covers the weather with a comment that more is on the way