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Wednesday 18 January 2017

Little or no sleep again - - - & - - - More rhetoric from TM the PM

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
Don't forget to check out this great book on Amazon Kindle Books
Not a thing on the rain display this morning 
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The local stats show another very cool morning.  Yesterdays rain didn't amount to much even though we had some good low cloud for most of the day
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Weathercam up date 07:49 
It's very grey and damp on the weathercam.  I suppose the question is will it rain ?
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Local weather forecast
Overcast and damp with low cloud giving hill fog and occasional drizzle. Cloud may thin a little in places during the afternoon, especially in the east, with hill fog lifting. Light winds.
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Another night without much sleep although i tried switching everything off at 21:00.  It was then a case of watching the clock go round until 05:30.  Everything else stays the same
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It must have been around 06:00 when i spotted a mouse almost completely inside the sunflower feeder
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News ?
Anotherdiabetes story in the banners along with an offer one of those fitbit type health and fitness trackers 
The main story yet once more is of TM the PM declaring us to leave the EU 

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Another long night - - - & - - - TM lays out her plan today.

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
Don't forget to check out this great book on Amazon Kindle Books
Not much on the precipitation display this morning and the stuff that is looks to be sliding by without getting too close 
The local stats show that its a cool 4.4c with a light breeze and yesterdays rain didn't raise much of a figure in the gauge.  
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Still dark outside but with enough light on the photo to see that its another misty damp satrt just now. 
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Local weather forecast 
Met O Peak District: Overcast and dull with widespread hill fog and occasional light rain or drizzle. Light winds.
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A visit to my GP yesterday that kicked off all the latest health problems in Nov proved to be an interesting chat along with a change of blood pressure tablet that will apparently help me get rid of the swollen ankles of the past few days. The Doc is convinced the original blood pressure tablets are responsible for the water retention that caused the swelling. 
Last night was the usual disturbed night with very little sleep, the effects of which i am feeling right now.  I did once again try a period upstairs lying on the bed and managed a short sleep before returning downstairs to the armchair.  I really must try and develop the periods i spend in bed into longer ones.  
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News ?
The banners carry an article about Nick Knowles and his stress problem and the fact that one million elderly have a problem paying their fuel bill.  The main story is of TM the PM's intention today to start outlining the main points of her Brexit strategy.  

Monday 16 January 2017

Back pain easing - - - & - - - Thumbs up for May's Brexit plan

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
Don't forget to check out this great book on Amazon Kindle Books
There's quite a bit of rain on the display this morning but its hard to see how it might follow the forecast of rain for much of the day ? 
The Temp has been at 7.0c for most of the night and its dipping a little now as the dawn arrives 
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Weathercam update 10:15
The weathercam has a grey damp outlook to it right now.  Its looking like it might not brighten much during the day 
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Met O local Forecast for today : 
Low cloud throughout much of the day with widespread hill fog, persistent rain and drizzle, but rather mild conditions with light winds. The rain could be heavy at times during the morning, becoming more drizzly during the afternoon. Any lying snow will continue to melt, with various watercourses likely to be running high combined with the rain.
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Tempted by yesterday's increasing lack of pain in my back I tried to see if lying on the bed might be an option for some sleep last night.  It took only 15 minutes for me to realise it wasn't going to work before i scurried back downstairs to my armchair.  Another manifestation of the jaundice showed itself yesterday when my ankles began to swell. My only recourse is to lie on the settee with my feet over the edge to "elevate the limbs".  Twice during the night this resulted in 30 minute blocks of sleep so I'm not complaining. I'm seeing my GP later today so that will be one of the points to be raised. 
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The banner tells us HM is back on her feet after the Christmas cold she suffered.  The main headline is becoming a tad tedious as the paper seeks to give the thumbs up for TM the PM's Brexit plan - - - just get on with it ! 

Sunday 15 January 2017

No day or night, just time - - - & - - - Trump's EU envoy is a Brexiteer

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
Don't forget to check out this great book on Amazon Kindle Books
The display shows quite well all the rain hitting the country just now 
much reported in the news media and set to cause big problems today the Met O display makes it look worse that the netweather one because it shows lighter rainfall as well 
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Local Met O weather for today 
Becoming cloudy during the early hours with spells of rain and brief snow arriving from the northwest, but at the same time becoming milder. Periods of rain, particularly heavy at times, will continue through the day. Cloud will lower to mid-levels quite widely. Strong northwesterly winds will persist at altitude. Snowpack will start to melt at high altitude, along with water-runoff is likely to start filling watercourses. Remaining mild, cloudy and wet into the evening.
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 The Temp has risen a couple of degrees in the last hour and the wind is increasing.  Only 2mm of rain yesterday i think that figure might be topped today! 
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Weathercam update 11:10
The weathercam shows off the very grey sky, its been raining for a while and looks like it will be with us for some time
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"No day or night just time"  This is the philosophy i might adopt after staring into the log burners flickering flames about 02:20 this morning.  Being creatures of habit its hard not to go to bed at the "normal time" sleep then get up at "the normal time" In my present state of mind that just isn't working for me - - - time to change.

Last night after a 40 minute power cut at 09:10, I arranged my mountain of cushions in Sally's armchair in an effort to get some sleep after she had gone to bed.  It was comfortable for a while but sure enough as the back pain came on i fidgeted tossed and turned and by 12:15 i was back upstairs with a couple of pillows trying out the bed again. 
A similar period of torment followed and by 02:10 i was back down stairs.  
By 03:00 i had had a cup of tea re-stoked the fire and sat in front of it on my chair with only 2 small cushions for support and the electric heat pad on my back. 
At around 04:15 i hear LM informing me he has a tasty snack and he devours it behind my chair.  I have actually been asleep for what must have been an hour! - - - result. I have more tea feed the fire and get snatches of a minute or 2's sleep here and there until 05:30 when another day begins 
Free T in the banners along with a fitness tracker for £14.99.  I always smile when i see the adverts for these popular devices that kind of hint if you know what your heart rate etc is you are going to be fit Mmmmmm 
The main headline drags itself away from the weather by proclaiming Trump's EU envoy is a Brexiteer - - - and? 

Saturday 14 January 2017

Oh for some sleep! - - - & - - - Lord Snowdon dies

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
Don't forget to check out this great book on Amazon Kindle Books
The blobs of rain/snow look to be headed right for us unless we can slide between them.  Its a cold day so there's a chance of the precipitation falling as snow i guess 
The Temp has warmed a little.  During the night it was just below zero.  the wind chill on that Northerly 7.6mph just now will feel very cold I'm sure  
weathercam update 09:15
The weathercam view looks very cold and almost fully overcast now at 09:15.  The precipitation blobs on the display above do look to be sliding either side of us at the moment 
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Local weather for today 
Met O Forecast:   A cold start, with icy routes and any lying snow frozen. Mainly sunny, although very isolated showers will fall as snow above 300m at first. Winds will also gradually ease, although it will remain cold. Warm layers will be essential.  Top Temp 5c 
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I blasted out the message i put on yesterdays blog to a huge number of friends yesterday and the responses have been of shock but very nice as well.  Last night i was hoping to get a decent bit of sleep but it was not to be.  I have the problem of only being able to sleep on my back due to the discomfort of Freddy.  As soon as i lie down now I end up getting back pain just above my kidneys.  I tried sitting up in bed but always finish up sliding down and the pain returns. 
At about 00:45 i came down stairs with my pillows and tried sitting up on the sofa surrounded by pillows and an electric heat pad on my back - - OK but only for a while.  Next I tried lying on the sofa but it turned out to be too soft.  
By this time its 03:00 and LM is confused about whats going on and wonders why i don't give him his breakfast.  Finally i sit on an old leather chair and have the pillows propped up around and behind me.  By this time my backs killing me but with only one more adjustment, a couple of paracetamol, and the heat pad at full blast for a while i finally get comfortable.  Sally visits the loo at 05:00 and comes down to see where i am, end of any thoughts of sleep.  
At least with my sedentary daytime routine i can get the odd 10 or 15 minutes sleep! 
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News ?
The banners have free yogurt snacks and a reminder that now Christmas is over we can start thinking about plants for the spring garden with an offer of free plants 
The main story is all about the death of Lord Snowdon which is a story carried in a number of papers this morning 

Friday 13 January 2017

My new friend Freddy - - - & - - - New snow chaos on the way

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
Don't forget to check out this great book on Amazon Kindle Books
The radar display shows we are just at the beginning of a large blob of snow.  It started at 06:15 and is set to be with us until about 09:00
the Temp is struggling to stay above freezing and although the wind isn't strong it will make it feel very cold outside this morning 
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Local weather today
The Met O Peak District forecast:   The day will start with a band of mainly light snow moving south across the park with some accumulations possible (2-4 cm). This will clear through by mid-morning leaving widespread icy surfaces. However, the weather will become mainly dry and bright but remaining cold with a bitter northwesterly wind. Remaining clear and cold into the evening before cloud increases by midnight.
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OK then herer's whats been happening to me since mid Nov.  Just to get everyone up to speed here’s the story so far.  I had a pain in my chest late Nov and went to see the Doc who put me on a load of scans.  The results were inconclusive until I had a CT scan on the 22nd of Dec.  By then I had lost my appetite felt weak and generally knew something was badly wrong.  I had an appointment for the results of the CT scan on the 4th of Jan.
I missed my Christmas dinner at the Indian restaurant over the road which I had been looking forward to for most of the year!!
I noticed my skin going yellow and on the 27th got an emergency appointment with the Doc.  I knew the results were on the screen and was eventually told I had a malignant tumour on my liver.  The tumour was closing down my bile duct which was causing the jaundice. 
I was admitted to Chesterfield Hospital right away but then told what needed doing could only be done at The Northern General in Sheffield because they had the best guy in the country there to do the Op.  At Chesterfield was told in no uncertain terms that it was a dangerous op to go through the liver and put stents in the bile duct to open it back up again. 
 Into Northern General on the 1st of Jan and I was lined up after tests to have the Op on the 5th of Jan.  The Op (Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram) is done using microsurgery techniques by a cardiologist.  Waiting for the Op the cardiologist came out and talked to me for 5 minutes stressing how difficult the Op was and that he was reluctant to do it unless I realised the impact of what could go wrong.  If I didn’t have it done I would die so it was a no brainer.  I get ushered into this small room where 7 people swarm over me until the time of the Op,  20 minutes later its pronounced a success and away I go to the ward.
After some concerns about my bad blood levels for a couple of day’s things improve and I get discharged yesterday 10th Jan. 
I’m back in 2 weeks’ time with the oncology team where as long as the jaundice has flushed away I’ll get a biopsy of the cancer taken and can start the treatment of that.  Unfortunately the cancer is inoperable so the treatment regime is a bit of an unknown quantity until after the biopsy

As it was a Dr Fredericks who gave us the cancer news the tumour has been christened "Freddy" 

On my third full day at home now and feeling a weak as a kitten.  I have to drink lots of water all the time to flush out the jaundice (wouldn't wish jaundice on anybody!)   I still have to think quite a bit about what to eat as my appetite (another jaundice side effect) is just not there.  Sally has bought all kinds of chocolate biscuit goodies using the adage at the moment of who cares what you are eating as long as you are eating.  She is really driving things along very well and chides me for attempting anything physical because it just exhausts me 
So the road ahead looks to be challenging and we will only know how much so once the treatment regime = == = 
The banners cover Graham Taylor's death and there's going to be a £10 tax to visit Britain once we get out - - - cheapskates!  The main story covers the weather with a comment that more is on the way 

Thursday 12 January 2017

Oh for a nights unbroken sleep - - - & - - - Arthritis how to beat the pain

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
Don't forget to check out this great book on Amazon Kindle Books
I normally use the Netweather.tv display but it appears to be stuck at last night 01:40 display.  Its not hard to imagine though from the Met O display that the big blob is headed our way.  we have still to see the sub zero Temps reported by the papers 
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 The Temp is dropping now and will probably continue to fall during the day
The weathercam has a very grey outlook this morning it will be interesting to watch the display throughout the day
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Today's local forecast 
The full forecast for the Peak District today reads a little dramatic but this is obviously what all the headlines were about yesterday . 
Windy and bitterly cold at all elevations, with freezing levels falling. Severe wind chill can be expected at times with strong westerly winds. Mountain paths will become icy. Showers through the morning turning to snow above 500m with some accumulations likely, this level dropping to 200m by the afternoon. Showers becoming more isolated later in the afternoon but remaining cloudy. There is a small risk of more extensive rain and snow through the day but it is most likely that this will remain to the south. 
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My second full day back home yesterday was a anyone can imagine a welcome relief from the routine of a very busy hospital.  I cant do much but just being in charge of when i want to eat or do things is great.  Sleeping properly or being able to sit in a chair for very long is becoming a little tedious.  I start to get a muscular pain above my kidneys and then have to change chairs or get out of bed for a minute or two.  Due to the discomfort I can only sleep on my back which leaves few options once the back pain starts.  I have ordered an electric blanket thinking that warming up the area on my back might allow just a little more sleep before i'm up once more.  
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The banners focus on the weather and a good night's sleep, if only! while the main story  goes after a hoary old chestnut of Arthritis pain - - - must be a slack news day! - - - 
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