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Monday 10 December 2012

where's the snow? & other bits

Lots of doom and gloom over the "Beast from the east" which is a reference to an icy blast from Siberia that is about to bring -20c and lots of snow.  Well that's what the papers and sooth sayers will have us believe. 

That said though it has been pretty cold so I will be putting the pond filter in its polystyrene box today in an attempt to stop it freezing up.  I like to leave the pump and filter going even in winter and the UV light in the top of the filter box (hopefully) provides a bit of heat to also stop it freezing. 
It might be cold outside but little Sainsbury knows a nice warm place!

The shop is full of customers in Christmas "frenzy" mode as reported by Sally when she popped down for a few things yesterday.  I was thinking back to my last shift and remembered a tale i had not already blogged.  A normally mild mannered night shift colleague, "lets call him Simon" was really having a go at the temporary night shift manager. 

Simon is a hard worker, and started the same day as me back in Oct 2008, and the impression i got was that he was being taken for a mug in the handing out of the nightly tasks.  They it seems are given tasks and a time to complete it in.  He appears to be getting more tasks than a couple of named others and was complaining about it.  The temporary night shift manager is a stranger from the Ripley store and all i have seen him do is stand around with his hands in his pockets.  Maybe there's going to be "trouble at t mill" for the night shift as we gallop towards Christmas.

2 Girls, early 20's were walking down the bread isle and one was feeling the seat of her pants.  She then lifted her coat and her friend looked at her bottom just as they both noticed me looking at them at the far end of the isle with an amused grin on my face. 

"She thought she had a wet patch", says the second girl grinning at the situation they were in.  "Our Tena Lady range is a couple of isles back up there!" i motioned as they burst into fits of giggles and went on their way. 

We (Sally and I) went up to our stash of firewood at a friends farm the other day to pick up at bit of wood.  It was bitterly cold but we set fire to one of the piles of twigs that i had stacked when i was felling the trees last year. 
I wondered how many critters might be in there but only saw one rabbit making a dash for a warren up on the hillside from the fire. 

In our garden we have a miniature apple tree and it seems to be grimly hanging on to some of the fruit.  I was about to take them off when i noticed a blackbird pecking at one of the apples and decided to leave them be
The pic shows the apple in question with more ready for the birds. 

Finally then - - - A bloke in a very nice but damaged Range Rover drives into the yard of a local haulage firm and remonstrates with the owner about the damage one of the lorries has done to his vehicle.

The haulage firm owner looks at the damage which is confined to the bonnet and front of the Range Rover and asks how it happened.  He was a little confused as to why none of his drivers had not reported the accident and listened intently to the Range Rover driver. 

It appears the lorry was returning to the yard and the driver had stopped it outside a shop to buy something.  The Range Rover had pulled up behind the lorry and inadvertently run into the back of the lorry while the driver was in the shop! 

The haulage firm owner, a patient man!, listened intently to the protestations of the Range Rover driver before handing over his insurance details and watching with a wry grin on his face as the man drove out of the yard.

Enjoy the day, mind the snow!   

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