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Friday 21 December 2012

The world ends today at 2321hrs!

The story about the world ending because the Mayan calendar does not go further than today has, for me taken another turn by the discovery of the exact time of the Apocalypse.  "The end" is exactly at 2321 GMT tonight!

I gleaned this nugget whilst trawling the news on the Internet.  Once again the Daily Telegraph seems to, in my opinion win the day with "their man in Burgerach" a small, in fact very small town in France.  Some of his reported stories from the locals and "pilgrims" are very funny, and as is usual in this modern age, "readers" can comment on the story with their own opinions.  I would urge you to follow this link for a bit of hilarity the end is nigh unless your in Burgerach

Having read the article and found it so funny i continued on to the readers opinions.  One "contributor" under the name of "believekingdavid" quotes chapter and verse, with a longer than necessary rant from the bible to disprove the end of the world theory.  I must admit to being more in line with the next contributor going under the name of "Mister Snoobs" who pronounces "belivekingdavid's" piece as "Anthropocentric bolloxspeak".  I have added the first word, having had to look its meaning up, to my vocabulary, the second is kinda self explanatory!

So it is then with a kind of resignation that i look at my broken little finger on my right hand and look forward to the pain ending at 2321hrs tonight.  I pranged it the other day and the colours it turned have been truly amazing so here's a pic of it on day 2

With all the rain we have been having over the past 24hrs the River Derwent level has risen somewhat so here's yesterday pic of the same.

Finally then some might recall yesterday's blog where i expressed my indignation at having to take in my passport to work to prove i have the right to work in the UK.
I have doctored the photo a little and will present it today!
Enjoy the day - - - - - - it might be your last!   

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