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Saturday 29 December 2012

Becks acts the Girlie and we have Hysterical tearful shoppers

A colleague from the Bakery, "lets call her Becks", arrived late for work and exclaimed that she had had a puncture.  It only took a little time to get the full story that she had to get a neighbour to change the flat because she was having a "Girlie" moment.  She's quite a go getter and i was surprised when i heard of the girlie moment needing a "man" to change the flat. 

I, mistakenly! took her to task about the Girlie moment when the Boss, "Lets call her TracEy" was alongside and TracEy's answer to a flat is "Call for the husband!"  I retreated to the bread isle!

Some funny if not dumb questions have been asked the last few days, mainly in the direction of why we wouldn't be getting more Christmas stock in?! A couple of colleagues were packing a shelf with the left over Christmas cards on an effort to get rid of them when a woman looked at the display then commented, "There isn't much of a selection!"

My customers dumb question came after she asked if we stocked Nimble bread to which i replied in the negative.  At the time i pointed to the weightwatchers bread as an alternative.  She asked me if i knew which was nearest the nimble bread in nutritional value and left grumbling when i again answered in the negative.  She seemed to think i would know the difference even though we didn't stock the nimble item!!!!!!!   Along with that i have never been one who wants or needs to know or gives a toss whats in the bread. hey ho. 

Another rather funny moment today was when one old dear wandered "into" the actual bakery as if it was part of the shop, complete with trolley and looking around as if she was perusing the shelves!  She was ushered out and wandered off one her way! 

My "cracker" for the day though appeared alongside what i was doing with a well stocked trolley, clutching a large piece of paper and who immediately she had my attention bust into tears.  Through the sobs i gathered that this was not her local store, she was also shopping for her daughter and that "you must help me because i cant find any of these things!". 

I calmed her down grabbed the trolley and with the 4 items she wanted in my shop mapped brain quickly found what she wanted and was sent her on her way to the check outs. It was at this juncture she explained that her (lazy git of a) husband had been sat in the shop cafe the whole time ignoring her pleas, strangely enough over the mobile phone, for help. 

As it had been a good day i refrained from wandering down and telling him what a prat he was and went back to what i had been doing previously.

So there we go folks it looks as if we are going to have another shopping frenzy tomorrow and Monday.  Roll on 2013!

Enjoy the day!


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