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Saturday 3 November 2012

The Russians drink gin! and we meet Katherine of Aragon

We were down at the "Sand Bar" in the hope of watching the amazing sunsets that "Kurumba" is blessed with and couldn't help noticing, mainly by the noise of the conversation, that 4 Russians were "Having a session!"

They had been there "some time" when we arrived and as it was not the sunniest of days they had one complete side of the bar to themselves.  2 blokes were having what looked like a furiously loud debate, probably discussing the price of gold or something like that!

The other 2, a man and a woman looked to be having one of those one sided conversations where the bloke is doing all the talking/rambling and the woman is trying not to fall asleep! 

And so it came to pass that the bar was emptied of Tequila,  not sure how many bottles were finished but, they were "out".  1 of the 2 barmen was about to trot off for a replenishment when the loudest of the Russians realised what was going on and said, in that strange meercat advertisement language, "No problem Gin will be ok".  So on they went drinking beer and shots of gin treating it like a tequila with the lime and the salt.   Pheoowwww!  shots of gin!!! it was no surprise that i dont think any of them saw the sun go down!! 

So here's a shot of one of those amazing sunsets, this one yesterday 2nd Nov
The sky and clouds just seem to take on all the wonderful reds and blues before the darkness takes over.  Or could that be the afterglow of the champers!

Before we arrived we had been in contact with one of the managers "lets just call her, Katherine of Aragon" about the room we were going to have.  We had booked a pool villa but had been asked to take an upgrade to a "Presidential Villa/Suite".  We met "Katherine" in the bar not long ago and we were discussing some of the more bizarre complaints that have to be handled! 

I started it all off by mentioning that someone once said, "the sea was too salty", to which my reply was, "Well its a 5 star resort they should be able to do something about it".   A visitor asked where the "Shopping Mall" was
The island as can be seen from the pic above is all of 500metres long and half that across, methinks a little re-search before visitors arrive wouldn't go amiss!!

Another one was "there are too many fishes in the sea"!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today dawned a little cloudy but the sun soon broke through and we ventured to the bottom of the picture above to snorkel up the left hand side of the island on whats known as the house reef,here are 2 pics form today's snorkel. 
 This quite big fish, about 2 feet long is being cleaned by a couple of wras so i think that's why he allowed me to get so close.

These pufferfish normally scuttle off as soon as they spot you but this one didn't seem too concerned. 

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