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Sunday 18 November 2012

Eeeeek its a spider and Sarah cant wear her lipstick!

Great exitement down at work the other day when someone spotted a spider in amongst the boxes of bananas.  After a brief chase it was captured alive and the procedure for getting rid of it followed.  Being a "caring company" we dont just squash them we have "a procedure" to follow, well we have a procedure for everything else so why not unwanted Arachnida!

I remember soon after i had started at the local sainsbugs a customer told me we had an infestation of spiders on a pallet of bags of sugar.  I went to investigate and sure enough there was a large web and whatappeared to be hundreds of babies all attached to it.  It was quickly removed from the shop floor and i'm not sure how it was cleared up. 

However i digress, "the procedure", must have fallen on its face because the spider was still with us 24hrs later.  A colleague "lets call him Glen", reckons its a "Hobo spider"and I have no reason to doubt his knowledge.   So here it is in all its glory.
If you look in Wiki its a native European spider and it appears to have flourished in most environments.  If it bites you it can be a painful but its unlikely to cause too much damage. 

At one point today (Sunday) in the shop we seemed to have more staff than customers, it appears that 14 colleagues consisting of a large group of "Christmas newby's" were in.  Being new they don't know where anything is and of course me, looking like i have been there since the doors opened i was their target for "can you tell me's".  Most of the day they would approach me either alone or with a customer in tow looking for something. 

Once i had acknowledged i knew where the "something" was they would attempt to skip off back to their previous task.  I had to forcibly drag them along to the "items" location and explain that they should really start to build up their knowledge!  on a couple of "colleagues" it seemed not to be assimilated!  could be an interesting few weeks to Christmas.

Sarah cant wear her lipstick!  The girls on "fresh" e.g. all the stuff in a fridge"  are quite a glittering bunch of girlies none more so than a colleague, "lets call her Sarah" she's apparently a beautician and arrives at work in some rather extreme make up arrangements! 

She started sporting a really fiery red lipstick and it looked ok to me.  It appears however her boss, "lets call him Paul" took offence at this colour and it appears now that she is banned from wearing it!

It seems ok that some of the young male colleagues can come to work like they haven't washed for a week combed their hair in a fortnight or don't know what a razor is but a young girl takes the time to put on her makeup in the morning before coming to work but because she wears bright red lipstick its not acceptable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it me?   

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