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Monday 5 November 2012

I ordered dolphin for breakfast and - - - its time to compare!

We were sat in the Beach Bar the other day when only about 100m away we spotted a few dolphins cruising past the island.  We had never seen them before in our previous visits and laughed at our past "dolphin safari's" both in The Gambia and here in the Maldives where we had seen diddly squat!

Talking to the waiters at breakfast the following morning, which sitting at your table you have a great view of the ocean over the top of your glass of champagne!  they mentioned that when its calm they sometimes see huge pods of them swimming by. 

It was calm this morning and i received an odd glance from the next table when i announced to the waiter, "I ordered dolphins for breakfast". 

You know how it is when you have a special meal on holiday and you get to comparing it with what is billed as the same meal at another place you have been.  Well maybe not the "same" meal but that's what you read into it when you are looking at the menu on a chilly afternoon in the summer house in UK when you are looking forward to your holiday. 

We had spied this thing on the menu called a "Maldivian Tasting Platter for 2" at $115 dollars it must be some dish i exclaimed and a must to try! It was described as Grilled Lobster, Jumbo Prawn, Sea food skewer, Grilled rib eye, Tuna, Fragrant rice & Palm heart salad.  We had had what we thought was similar dish when we were at Malolo Fiji it was called a "Fish Platter"  and cost $90 so we imagined ourselves to be in "for a Maldivian treat" 

So last night we tried it here are a couple of pics for readers to compare, try picking the one you would have gone for? 
Fiji Fish platter $90 
Maldivian tasting platter $115
We then got to pulling out the Fiji pics and looking at other things.  The Fiji coral is better because i think the water's a bit cooler and it grows better.  You see far more fish in the Maldives though for some reason when you are snorkeling than in Fiji. 
Sunsets! we thought which is the best.  Again here's a couple of pics what do you think?
Fiji Sunset
Maldivian Kurumba sunset
Personally i think the Maldivian Kurumba one takes some beating on that one.  Maybe you shouldn't do the comparison thing but it was the dinner bit that started us off.  "Presentation" springs to mind.
Some Russian observations!   I cant  help noticing that some of the Russian blokes on the resort seem to have brought their "nieces" on holiday with them such a nice and noble gesture don't you think?  Another snippet i picked up talking to one of the staff is that the Russians will bring wads of $100 bills to pay for everything rather than use credit/debit cards!  Also they are "allegedly" charged twice the price that we are in the UK for holidaying on the resort!?
Finally then with only 2 full days to go and then back to the cold of UK I must away and try to improve my suntan!  After spending 8 days here in Feb i returned to work and upon mentioning the holiday was asked by one colleague, "lets call her Jodie" "oh you have been away then?"


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