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Friday 18 May 2012

Paul's a cagey leather clad sprinter!

I have often wondered about this cool calm exterior that a colleague, lets call him Paul exudes.  In conversations over the last 2 days it would appear he has a bit more of a playful nature!!!!!

2 Lady colleagues, lets call them Debs & Linda report that Paul gives them a little wiggle as he cavorts around a "cage"! 
Let me explain for the international readers.  We all work in the local sainsbugs adhering strictly to the company ethic you understand.  A "cage" or "roller" is a 6ft high 2ft 6in square container with wheels that carries items onto the shop floor to be distributed to the shelves.  
It would appear that Paul has a show not dissimilar to a pole dancing routine that he will display at the drop of a castanet , the girls also mentioned "leather clothing".  I do hope he wears it underneath the uniform!    

Another conversation with a colleague Manager, lets call her Tracy brought out Paul's more playful nature.  He had been talking to Tracy and one of the store trainers and the banter had been that he "could take them both".  The details of the "taking" need not concern the more delicate reader here. 

When Paul was in a training session the trainer, in collusion with Tracy, managed at the end of the session to empty the room except for Paul!  At which time Tracy entered the room closed the door blind and reminded Paul about the "taking" and wondered if he would care to demonstrate his prowess.  
At which Paul remembered a prior engagement, maybe a "cage" routine appointment and left the room at some speed! 

On a more mundane matter today a lady had to wait more than she considered necessary to have a loaf sliced by one of the skeleton staff behind the bakery counter around lunchtime.  I had called for someone to slice the loaf twice before the customer was attended to.  As she pushed her trolley away she fixed me with a withering stare and said, "Is that what you call looking after your customers.  A little bemused i answered, "well now that you are already on your high horse why don't you just ride over to customer services and complain".  She chose not to answer!

Afterthought, Still no word on Daves job applicaton Re: the blog post of 11th May.  Keep those fingers crossed.  

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