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Friday 11 May 2012

Fingers crossed for Dave on Saturday

Not too an exiting week at the fun factory (local sainsbugs) this week everything going as planned by and large.  I managed to have 2 go's at bailing the waste cardboard from the compacter on Saturday as its the "Bakery" day for this task.
My last day of the working week was made all the more pleasant because the "Managers" had one of their "away days".  Its a kind of mass exit to some gin palace where they practice team building and are given team exercises to complete.  Obviously it works as they return refreshed and full of "team spirit" well for a while anyway.
Another ray of sunshine on Wednesday was when "Dave" sidled up to me.  Dave, his real name by the way! is the union rep a bit of a thorn in some peoples sides, however more to the point a pain in some peoples arses also.  He's a geordie, well a loud geordie and has a mind like an encyclopaedia which continually spills from his ruby red lips.  All in all he's a moaner, nothing can be done better than he can do it, no-one has done more than he at anything.  He will fight your corner if you are in the union very well, especially if its fighting the Bleeping management!
He approached me to join when I was a raw recruit but my previous experience with "Unite" was enough to point out that hell would have to freeze over first!
However I digress, management have disappeared on their "away day" although the cake Tracy brought in to take with them (I presume) I did ask if it was a bribe so she didnt need to attend!  Dave sidles and regails me with a tail about attending a job interview at the weekend.  He's going to try and secure a permanent job with the Unite union.  He was waxing lyrical about his qualifications and suitability for the job when I reminded him about his last job interview.
 It was some time ago when he went for a job interview and said there were only 2 people in for it but the other person, a woman as it happens was only there for "window dressing".  It was a pure case of "foot in mouth disease" because he didn't get it.  It all boiled down to him not being able to put a couple of formula in an XL spreadsheet he said.
Google what you want to do in XL and hey ho it WILL be there ready to use!

I pointed out to Dave that there would be a fair number of people delighted if he secured the job and had to leave and that there would probably be a party!  - - - The day after he left!!!!!
Fingers crossed for Dave on Saturday then!!!!!

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