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Monday 11 June 2012

"I've got you tablet", she said, I knew I was in trouble!

Either the tablet was to see me "off" one way or the other or, oh yes very nice that type of tablet!  Its our wedding anniversary today,  15 years, you get less for murder nowadays!
However I digress, its a toy I never even considered so that's why it was more than just a surprise.  Well more of a challenge really as there are no instructions with it, an oversight on the packer I think.  No problem I thought just download a set, go to the manufacturers website and there's an overlay that says the office is closed until July!  You can see all the downloads but cant get to them because of the overlay.

Here it is in all its glory!

My gift however did not need instructions in fact you don't even need an "app" to make it work.  After the less than rapturous reception the T towel set got at Sally's birthday I thought I would pull out all the stops and got these.

Jubilee oven gloves! What did I do wrong???   Women can be sooooooo ungrateful!

Maybe I should take the Tablet!

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