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Thursday 26 April 2012

Charlton Heston said it!

Yes a wonderful saying rather pertinent to today's post.  It was on Michael Parkinson's chat show when he asked Charlton Heston what the secret was to his extremely long showbiz marriage.  Without hesitation Heston said "Just 3 words" he paused long enough for everyone to think of the obvious then to applause and laughter said "I - was - wrong".
So in response to protestations from a work colleague, lets call her Julie, "I - was - wrong" she did not give me the orange sausage which featured in the last post!   Who did then I have absolutely no idea!

And so begins a week off from the trials and tribulations of working at the shop.   Its raining right now and is forecasted to carry on for the next few day so it looks as if I might get a fair bit of "the book" done between the other tasks I might find along the way.

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