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Saturday 18 February 2012


First morning just sitting by our pool having a cuppa, before wandering off to the champagne breakfast!

Not a bad flight, but they are always as bit of a trial.  Our flight was going onto Sri Lanka so only about 30 got off here.  Quickly through immigration and customs and then onto our own boat to Kurumba  (pic below)

Even though we have been to Kurumba twice before its still a thrill wandering around in the sunshine meeting up with old staff members that are still here and remeber you (or was it your tip?) and getting to know the new ones. 
The guys who run the bar are mostly Sri Lankan and we mentioned having visited a couple of places there.  It turns out one barman knows people back home that we do so thats a guarantee of extra special service.  

Anyway onwards and upwards to the champagne breakfast!!

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