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Friday 10 February 2012

Snow! what Snow!

We had been warned by the weather men and by the newspapers especially the Express to expect 8" of snow and it to be so cold grit wouldnt work?  This was all meant to happen last night.

A point to note here though:  These are the same weathermen who in 97 was it?  Couldnt even see the mini hurricane plodding its way across the Atlantic which completely "surprised" us a few days later.  And the same newspapers who had been predicting that it would be so cold last week 2000 people a day would die.

Anyway at work (the local sainsbugs) it was slightly akin to the day before Christmas Eve as people cleared the shelves and looked set to have enough food until Easter.  This did wonders for the sales figures with a boost of +40k on the days target for takings.  It does however make a pain in the ass for the supply chain as it cant react quickly enough, but hey ho.  We had the usual wild eyed panic stricken few who seemed to think if they didn't get what they wanted the world would end. There were a few shouting  matches but come on we were heading for Armageddon what could you expect!

Being a bit of a weather saddo with his own weather station in the back garden and on the website.  I had been closely watching all the forecasts and came to the conclusion that we might not even get any snow.  When I said this to a few customers they looked at me like I had just arrived form another planet.

To compound the panic after "the Managers meeting" we were asked if the dreaded snow did arrive as predicted would we be able to get into work today.  Having the pick of 2 quality vehicles (Land Rovers) I answered in the affirmative.

It came to pass then that at around 1730 when we drove to the pub (Church Inn Darley Dale) for a "Pie and Peas Night" it was raining.  By the time we had sampled said Pie and Peas, delicious I have to say by the way,  there was just the odd soggy flake and I thought my amateur prediction might go down the pan.  3 J2O's later we emerged into more rain and made our way home.

To be fair it did snow but only about 1/8th of an inch rather than the 8" promised.  When i went into the store this morning there was not a crumb let alone a loaf left on the shelves.  I had left some rathere battered loaves on the shelves on the hope they would go and surely they did.

So it just go's to prove that if you tell people often enough that something is going to happen it can be complete crap but they will believe it!

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