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Thursday 16 February 2012

Holidays and things

So here we are holiday day and we are both looking forward to our trip to the Maldives for 8 days of absolute luxury!  I will post a few pics onto the link gallery page "Kurumba Maldives" and anyone I have an e mail address for will get a few! 

I don't think Tom & Sainsbury the cats will enjoy their stay in Stallag Luft III down at the wonderful Stankirk kennels.  When I came home from the shop yesterday old Tom looked as if he knew something was up as I didn't feed them as soon as I got home and he had spied the cases brought down from the loft in the morning.  Sainsbury hates the cat carriers so he only twigged as I put him in his.  
So Armed with fluffy toys special blankets and a huge packet of cat biscuits I deposited them there yesterday and came home to a very silent house, strange how you miss them right away!!  

I was going to pack on Tuesday but my old website PC decided to close itself down, I think the problem is overheating so a new fan might be in order.  Anyway I spent the whole of the afternoon swapping everything on to my little Chinese netbook  (bought it in Hong Kong).  
Everything worked fine as I struggled to remember some of the rules and settings except the weather machine software.  It failed that evening, its updating the site but without updating the readings from the main machine.  Its done it before and in fiddling to fix I broke it completely.  I cant even get the software display to work now.  So hence the new display on the website. 

Onwards and upwards then off to pack and try not to set out too early for tonight's departure from Heathrow. 

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