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Monday 4 July 2011

And so to work (again)

The website is back to normal although i have shut down the streaming cam in favour of a still pic every 60 secs.  I must play around with the streamer to at least get it functioning again.

So its another day at the fun factory, here's hoping its a good one.  On reflection, yesterday's toil was lightened by a rather odd statement from a shopper.  A man approached me and without preamble said "Tell your boss that this is the only Sainbury's store not selling mince pies".  As i was sticking labels on some items to be reduced at the time, i just said "yep" without looking up?

Third day of the Tour de France today i must make sure and see at least some of it live today.  I managed to see a recording of the Team Time Trial yesterday but as i was in the middle of sorting the website i cant even remember which team won.

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