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Sunday 31 July 2011

Cloudy Sunday

A balmy 13.3c but very cloudy this morning to start my shift at the fun factory, Sundays i dont start unil 8 as the store only opens its doors at 10.  They then have half an hour where people can shop but "due to Sunday trading laws our checkouts cannot open until 1030 please feel free to browse until then"  very odd.

The fish look to have settled down after the loss of the 1 ghost koi and the green treatment we were hitting it with.  

I had an email form one of the girls i did the 3 peaks with yesterday and will be signing up officially on Tues for the welsh 15 Peaks next year.

Friday 29 July 2011

Ooops too late

The koi i had been trying to treat was missing yesterday but i still treated the pond at around 1500.  When i had a look around 2130 i still couldnt see it so started looking around the leaves of a water lilly and there it was floating on its back.  For a ghost koi which is a browny grey some of its scales had turned silver so i guess it might have died the day before.  The underlying problem was either rot or an ulcer so i will keep an eye out on the others for a while.

On a brighter note Sally continues to lose weight at the fat club so that one plus or is it a minus!

At work the company (Sainsbury's) send round whats known as mystery shoppers to test how the colleagues deal with customers.  I happend to be the target and scored 100% so that all helps the store to the yearly bonus. I had so many "Can you tell me's" yesterday i cant begin to think which 1 it was

I must try and link up the Picassa web albumns of our Fiji trip to the website today.  On that note its time to away to the fun factory

Thursday 28 July 2011

Fun factory today

Starting another 6 day shift pattern today.

I managed to re-design the website yesterday in the hope that it will be easier to add more up to date pics lets see if it works as time passes http://hakuraman.gotdns.com.

We are getting to the end of a course of 1 treatment for one of our Ghost Koi today.  It seems to have some kind of fungus growing on the front of its head.  As fungus is normally a secondary problem i think the underlying bit might be some kind of rot so we will treat that tomorrow.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

this and that today

Sally has been off work a couple of days with a flu type bug but looks all set to go back today.
Looking at doing a bit of logging this morning then a redesign on the garden this afternoon.
It wont get the makeover until Autumn but the idea is to gravel the 2 terraces above the pond have small rose bushes in the first and one and gravel the second and have pots on it.  We decided to do this as its difficult weeding the terraces as they are.

Sunday 24 July 2011

Logging today !

We managed to get the new fish yesterday, finished up with 5 comets of which i can only see 3 this morning although they are just about the same size as our baby Koi.  One of our large plants had been blown off the shelf its sits on into the pond so that an early job this morning that need attention.
The pic is of our remaining cat Tom welcoming the new Comet fish.  Strange really as he has never bothered about the other fish even though he drinks regularly from the pond.

After getting the fish and £40 worth of rose bushes! Sally decided her sniffles were too much for logging so we sat in the garden and watched the fish trying to decide where our new rose bushes were going to go.  The garden  seems to be an ever changing canvass.  We planted grasses a couple of years ago intending to make 2 of the terraces low maintenance.  It worked to a degree but we are consolidating all the grasses on 1 terrace now clearing the other and making it just for small fragrant rose bushes.

So even with the sniffles, on such a nice day we must get on with the logging.

Saturday 23 July 2011

New fish today

Quite a cool heavy dew this morning with a carpet of mist on the valley floor
We are buying half a dozen new small fish today in an attempt to re-stock the pond after our losses over the winter.  We lost a 17" Koi and 2 smaller koi.  To try and avoid other expensive losses we are shifting to Orf's and Shibunkins.  Well thats the plan no doubt when we get to the garden centre where the fish are things might change
Got to do some logging today with Sally giving a hand looks like the weather might be kind to us.

I had an e mail yesterday from the company that organised my 3 Peaks challenge.  Ginny 1of the group of 4 girls i met on the 3 Peaks had been negotiating with them (Maximum Adventure) for us to do the Welsh 15 next June and it looks as if she has convinced the others to join.  So the demon descenders will be riding again
L to R - - -  Mark, Adam the guide, Victoria, Rachel, me, Camilla & Ginny

Friday 22 July 2011


Missed a few days with lots happening so here go's.  At work a colleague's husband hears today if he's going to be made redundant.  She's really worried although he's already applied for another job and if he gets it she's going to work1 day  less herself.  Odd logic to cut days in these troubled times but there we go.

At home the end house in our little terrace has been sold and work has begun in sorting it out.  Due to the circumstances of the previous incumbents the house was almost full of furniture clothes and fittings.  There have been a couple of skips and various household items dumped into it.  All the clothes were bagged and put into recycling containers down the road.  The outside of the house especially the back was covered in ivy and in removing this a rather large wasp nest was disturbed.  I'm not sure if anyone was zapped but eventually the workmen convinced the wasps to leave.  I believe the house is going to be up for rent soon, i wonder who will take it?

The garden is looking its best now but it wont be long before things start to go over and apples and plums are picked to make some jam.  Our fish pond is doing exceptionally well this year with quite clear water and almost zero blanket weed which was a big problem last year.  Our baby ghost Koi were spotted gingerly moving around the edge of the shallow part of the pond so i think the time for them to be eaten by the others may have passed.

Had a walk out to Chatsworth on Wed and enjoyed it so much i might use it as training for my attempt at the Snowden Horseshoe on Fri 19th Aug, the walk took me 2 hrs 15mins i must measure it on the map.

The passing of dear old Grumpy is less painful now and our other cat Tom seems to be taking it in his stride although he must wonder where his buddy has got to?

So to today, i must let prospective walkers know i have changed the date for Snowden Horseshoe i originally said the 20th but just realised that's a Sat and the place would be packed with walkers.  Once the shoppings done (another 10p a litre off at sainsbugs if you spend more than £60) i must nip up to the logging camp and make a pile of wood to be cut up tomorrow as Sally has agreed to come up Sat and do the handling for me (pic tmw to explain handling)

The Tour de France is getting really exiting now and i intend to watch the stage today Mondane Valfrejus to Alpe-d'Huez 109km so must get most jobs completed by 1300.  So to horse and away!

Monday 18 July 2011

Wet Monday

Lots of overnight rain although its very light at the moment.  Off for another day at the fun factory

Saturday 16 July 2011

A Change in the weather

Typically when you have nothing to talk about, talk about the weather!  It looks as if our prolonged dry spell is about to break its quite windy just now and there's wall to wall cloud.
Other bits, someone is starting work on the empty house in the terrace so at least it will start to look decent again as its been empty for some time now.
The recycling point at Harrison way has had tarmac laid so that should be up and running soon.  Here's hoping we don't get too much of an increase in traffic noise.
Right then up and at em for a busy day down at the local sainsbugs,  challenges and opportunities!

Thursday 14 July 2011

Back on shift today

Yes back to work for a almost a week today, its always interesting to hear the little dramas that have gone by during my week off and watch others unfold during the week ahead.

Out birdcam looks a little light of birds this morning it will surely get busy later
Bit of a difficult shift what with thinking about Grumpy until around lunchtime and some challenging customers, hey ho!
Our resident squirrel managed to dislodge the fatball container just now, determined little critter.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Admin day

Trying to do all those little jobs that should already have been done before going back to work tomorrow.  Got most completed but with the Tour on the TV its difficult to tear yourself away from it.  Mark Cavendish had a good win today in the pouring rain after yesterdays disappointing second place.  He now has the green jersey going into the pyrenees tomorrow.

So back to the fun factory tomorrow, we have a period starting where we get 25% discount so i might renew some of my holiday T shirts etc.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Remembering the good times today

Still reeling from the loss of little old Grumpy yesterday but resolved today to remember the good times rather than focussing on the loss.

I'm just getting ready to go for a walk on Kinder Scout so that will give me plenty time of time to reflect.  i will post a pic or 2 of the hills later.

A little misty and cold on the top but it did brighten up a little later

There was an e mail from Ginny one of the 3 Peaks girls last night asking if i was interested in the Welsh 15 next June, a good challenge!

Monday 11 July 2011

Lost a little friend today!

We noticed this morning that our cat Grumble (Grumpy for short) had a rather distended stomach and looked a little uncomfortable.   I took him down the vets and a couple of hours later they phoned to say he had a massive tumour.  It was the sensible but difficult  decision to ask that he be put to sleep.  Even that was a trial as his blood pressure was so low that in the end he had to have an injection directly in to the kidneys to finish him off.  RIP grumpy.

Monday day off

Sally having a day off today, She is due to go up and see our friends near to the logging camp so i will make our log pile a little larger down there for an hour or so

We discovered yesterday that we have at least 5 baby ghost Koi in the pond.  We put some food in the area where they are most active and sat and concentrated on that area.  Eventually we did see 5 all at once.  Strangely enough though there are a couple of different sizes between them so we are not sure how many spawnings there have been.

Out for lunch today so hopefully the weather will hold and i can get some pics.

A couple of girls we met in Fiji who are from Sydney have at last got a laptop at home so we will be sending them lots of e mails and pics from now on.  They were Christened the Aus Babes.

Sunday 10 July 2011

Another window

A nice easy day today after the visit to the seaside.  We are fitting the second purchased window into the kitchen  and will probably walk down to the pub this afternoon for a jar or two.  Pics of window fitting later
Twas a bit messy getting the old window out as they were glued in with gap sealant.  Once it was out everything went ok.  Didnt bother with the pub as it was such a nice afternoon.

A visit to Saltburn on Sea

I never really visited the East coast as a child for holidays so a chance to see an old friend of Sally's who lives close to Saltburn-on-Sea  gave me the opportunity.
Such a charming old fashioned place you could not imagine completely unspoilt relatively inexpensive with typical English summer weather.  Within half an hour when we visited the pier it rained and was chilly and we also had baking sunshine.

Thursday 7 July 2011

like a window

Popped down to Coventry this morning to pick up a couple of self fit upvc windows for our kitchen this morning.  I forgot how tiring motorway driving can be!

Managed to fit one without any trouble and i will be leaving the other until Sunday when Sally can give me a hand fitting it.  We needed a couple of windows to be openers and originally fitted just single glazing then upgraded to double glazing so i guess openers were a natural progression.

The one to the right of the open window is Sundays project

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Today i move wood

Tuesday at last and a break in my shift pattern gives me a day off.  I need to go to the logging camp and move all the smaller bits i cut up last week down into where they will be stored until we need them.  I will post a before and after pic later.

Twas a good stage on the Tour de France yesterday although Mark Cavendish (STC) was denied the sprint win by Tyler Farrarr (Garmin) after a 90 degree left turn manoeuvre just short of the finish didn't quite go as planned.

Pics below, the pile of logs in the foreground need to go to the bottom of the hill to the orange fence area

Here we are two and a half hours later.  A very warm bit of log throwing!  I just have to saw up and stack the other 3 piles before winter.

Monday 4 July 2011

And so to work (again)

The website is back to normal although i have shut down the streaming cam in favour of a still pic every 60 secs.  I must play around with the streamer to at least get it functioning again.

So its another day at the fun factory, here's hoping its a good one.  On reflection, yesterday's toil was lightened by a rather odd statement from a shopper.  A man approached me and without preamble said "Tell your boss that this is the only Sainbury's store not selling mince pies".  As i was sticking labels on some items to be reduced at the time, i just said "yep" without looking up?

Third day of the Tour de France today i must make sure and see at least some of it live today.  I managed to see a recording of the Team Time Trial yesterday but as i was in the middle of sorting the website i cant even remember which team won.

Sunday 3 July 2011

Website problem?

Our Website http:/hakuraman.gotdns.com is having a few problems this morning my Linksys router decides to change all the dhcp numbers for whatever reason  I then have to change all the IP addresses that make the site work.  All seems to be well except the webcam i will save that for later.

I just saw the last game on the Wimbledon ladies final yesterday hopefully i will see more of the men's today when i get back around 1515.

Got to make tracks for work, nice day outside!

1900  Good Wimbledon mens final. i managed to see all but the first set so it was worth dashing home.
Website problem solved apart from the streaming webcam.  I cant seem to get it broadcasting to the internet even though everything looks fine.  I was thinking about changing from streaming to a pic that updates every 60 seconds so now's the time to try it!  looks much clearer that the cam i will shorten the update time once i get my fast connection!

Saturday 2 July 2011

Working the weekend

Saturday and good weather in prospect for the Wimbledon Woman's final today, i'm hoping it lasts long enough for me to see a bit of it.   I shall be battling with the bread and customers once again today until 1500.  We have a sainsbugs big wig coming to see us and the Peak Rail train into Matlock station will be trumpeted once more.  If the crowds of yesterday are anything to go by it will be busy.

First day of the Tour de France today, some good watching on the TV over the next 3 weeks then

Onwards and upwards - - - challenges and opportunities!

Friday 1 July 2011

1 July work day

First of July! i agree with all the other "old" folk who say time fly's as you get older half the year gone already, soon be Christmas.
Sally(my wife) is getting good results at the "fatclub" Slimming world.  She has lost just half a stone in 4 weeks,  she likes the slimming world way of doing it as the others she has tried have all made her feel hungry most of the time.  She is not of the patient nature when she is hungry! Here's then looking for a slimmer lady!!

A friend at work yesterday attended the double funeral of her neighbours, tragic story.  Husband found dead in the greenhouse about 4 weeks ago.  Wife found collapsed on bathroom floor on day of funeral last 2 weeks ago.  The lady had terminal cancer with only weeks to live and unfortunately died so i guess it was a blessed relief for her.

On a lighter note today will be busy at the local sainsbugs as the 10p a litre offer is still on so i must away to do battle in the bread isle - - - -

1530hrs  Great excitement around 11:00am in the shop, the first steam train from Peak Rail to pull into Matlock railway station for 57 odd years.  You can see all the trains through the shop windows and there were lots of people around to see it.  The Peak Rail trains have been stopping about 300 metres short of the station at a wooden structure since i have lived here.  So now for your £s you get another 300 metres and dismount at a real station.  My lack of enthusiasm can be explained by the fact we live at the Darley Dale end of the line and regularly get the smell of the steam trains and noise of the diesels ticking over at the weekends.

Met my old Remploy boss in the store today he's just back from walking the Inca trail, said it was a good experience.