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Thursday 30 June 2011

Today i work

After a week off i will be working for the next 5 days then one day off (apparently you cant work 6 straight days!) off and 1 more day before another week off.

So its shelf stacking wrestling with the computer system and attending to the demands of the customers.  One of the more pleasant sides is the interaction with other collegues, as nearly all of them are much younger than me its interesting to get their take on life.  Some "very" strange.

After work, 1500 there should be some Wimbledon to watch in the garden weather permitting.

1700 Busy old day in the shop but i guess that's what its all about, the time just  seems to just fly by.  Strange little community that work there as i mentioned this morning.  Lots of relationships and conflicts going on all the time, very interesting.  No different that any other job but so vibrant!!!

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Today i reflect

Yes reflection, i was just thinking about the great people i met on the 3 Peaks Challenge a couple of weekends ago.  Perfect strangers with a common goal, we gelled quite well and are in communication about a further challenge in 2012.  The Welsh 15, are a group of peaks around snowdonia all above 3000ft.  The idea is to complete it in 3 days.
Looking at a closer challenge i decided to do the Snowden horseshoe on the 20th Aug anyone interested meet up at the pen-y-pas car park 0445 for a 0500 start

Today dawns very sunny so having already washed all the bedding i shall attack the garden once again before doing a couple of hours at the logging camp.

Wimbledon quarter finals today might just watch a bit of that later.  We have this tradition of watching the finals on Sunday on our top terrace so i will set up the telly today.  Unfortunately i shall be working Sunday at the local sainsbugs but hope to catch a bit of it.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

knobbly tyres

0900 Rained like crazy around 2200 last night so at least we did get the forecasted rain.
Today forecasters cant agree if its going to drizzly all day or mild and sunny, time will tell
Just put the knobbly tyres back on the freelander, i took them off when we were going down to Heathrow for our last holiday.  They make a hell of a racket on the road but are good for the logging area.  Just a few more bits of wood to complete the filling of the wood shed.  might just have a stroll up to what we call the top style in Chatsworth later on, should be worth a few pics

1500 Managed to get enough wood to fill the wood shed ready for winter, used the chainsaw to reduce a load of logs to more stackable bits.  Managed to disturb a small wasp nest hidden in the logs and got zapped by 1.  Too late for a walk today, not much wimbledon on due to rain, weather still overcast but warm here.

Monday 27 June 2011

Sky clouded over from all the sunshine this morning, it was forecasted to be raining this afternon but apart from the odd drop we've seen nothing yet.  Still need a little more wood to fill up the log shed.  Should be able to get it done and dusted tmw.  A little Wimbledon tennis after a bit of weeding in the garden i think 

Today i blog

Do i have lunch in the sunshine or do i spend 2 hours with a chainsaw making smaller bits out of big bits?  No brainer really lunch it is.  Just one trip to the logging site to pick up enough wood to finally fill the woodshed in prep for the winter.  Its looking like we might have some rain this afternoon so the itinerary is to say the least fuzzy.